1. Your Hogwarts House

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Like most of your proud family you were sorted into the quiet house of Ravenclaw. Your intelligence stood  proudly besides you as you passed each class and gained more wiser with each year that went past.


Most find it unsurprising to hear that the eldest Black had fallen in love with a Slytherin. That's right you belong to the proud house of Slytherin. You are ambitious and always determined to succeed no matter the consequence.


Your loyal, Friendly, kind and more making you a perfect member of the Hufflepuff family. Your personality is often James's favourite thing about you and he adores how kind you are to anybody and everybody no matter if they did you wrong, even if they did do you wrong, they'd often find themselves pranked not to far of in the future.


Lily nearly Instantly fell in love with your kindness. Your smile and laugh set her heart into flames. From your constant jokes and flower crowns made freshly every morning you are a proud Hufflepuff who never shy's away from showing people whose boss, you don't let anyone walk over you or Lily.


Unlike Peter you belong more then anything in the house you were placed into. You are brave, loud and a pranker by nature. In your first year you were sorted into Gryffindor alongside Peter and the rest of the Marauders.


Unlike most of your house mates you didn't particularly fit in, you were shy and quiet, preferring to stay in a corner reading a book or writing a story. Sometimes Severus will, find you in a corner making a scarf for your big brother, James, making him often wonder why you were not sorted into Hufflepuff instead of Gryffindor. Yes you were a gryffindor like your brother yet no-where near as brave and even further away from being a prankster.

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