Toxic - Bellatrix x Reader

540 11 1

TW - Abuse

"I do love you" the young Slytherin's hands formed a tight fist as she stood her ground, trying not to let herself crumble in front of the women she loved.
"No! You don't love me! You don't love me!" Bellatrix yelled "don't fucking lie y/n, you're fucking pathetic".
"Stop it Bella, plea-"
"Stop what?!" Y/N flinched at her harsh tone, a tear slipping down her cheek. Bellatrix scoffed looking at her "so your going to cry now? Is that it?"
"No go on! Fucking cry! Make me feel like the fucking bad guy again!" She moved away from her, kicking the trunk at the end of her bed before sitting down, her face dropping into her hands.
"If you loved me, you'd join me."
Y/N tensed up further, she knew for years how devoted Bellatrix was to the Dark Lord, part of her thought that one day she could change her, heal whatever was causing so much anger within the women, but to no avail. In their last year at Hogwarts it had become more and more apparent to Y/N what Bellatrix planned to do once she graduated, and even more apparent how much she wanted Y/N to join as well. Deep down Y/N also knew Bellatrix's love ran deeper then she realised, her obssession and jealousy was becoming intoxicating, poisoning every action and thought she had, she wanted her to be completly devoted to her and only her. It was a viscious cycle she knew she had to end. But how?
"This is insanity Bellatrix" She said softly, wiping the tears from her cheek as she walked over, kneeling down in front of her. She reached her hand up to touch hers only for it to be slapped away.
"Don't touch me" Bellatrix hissed in a low tone, her eyes dark with rage. "You're meant to be mine."
"And I am Bella, I love you more than anything" Y/N said, pleading with her now.
Bellatrix snapped, her hand shooting forward and grabbing Y/N by her left ear, dragging her up unto her feet with her. Y/N let out a pained sound, her eyes wide in fear and shock.
"You're a traitor to your bloodline" Bellatrix's voice was dark, her face inches away from Y/N's. "The Dark Lord will change everything, and when the smoke clears, purebloods will prevail over all. So make your choice, because i won't be the one protecting you when they come for your head."
Y/N's hands shook as she grabbed onto Bellatrix's desperately, her eyes growing ever wider with each word she spoke, the unsettling reality of the rabbit hole she had fallen into finally sinking in. A lump formed in her throat as she desperately searched for words that would sooth the situation. She had never felt so terrified looking into the uncaring eyes of the women she had grown to love over the past few years. The future she had once imagined now came crumbling down within a matter of seconds.
"You're insane" She finally whispered.
Bellatrix let out a huff, a small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, she shoved Y/N harshly backwards, watching her stumbled onto the opposing bed.
"I'm insane am I?" She growled, walking over to Y/N, the girl scrambling to get up off the bed, before she could even sit up, Bellatrix moved ontop of her, straddling her waist, pushing the other into a lying possition.
A hand went to Y/N throat, pinning her down mercilessly. "Is this insane enough for you!?" Bellatrix screamed, her grip tightening painfully.
Y/N spluttered, struggling against bellatrix's strong grip, she desperately tried to pull in air, watching helplessly as bellatrix put her other hand atop her throat, her hold growing tighter with every second that passed, tears now flowed freely down Y/N's cheeks.
"If you would just listen to me Y/N! I wouldn't have to hurt you! You're mine! You're fucking mine!"
Y/N chest burned from the lack of oxygen, she reached up weakly, trying to claw at Bellatrix's hands as the need for air became desperate, she opened her mouth, unable to form any words, gargled noise replacing any sentences, the corners of her vision becoming blurry. Her whole body was shaking as terror washed over her.
Just before she could slip into unconsciousness, Bellatrix let go. Y/N instantly sucked in as many deep breaths as she could, coughing and choking as she did. Bellatrix snarled, moving off of her and sitting just besides her head.
"You know I hate hurting you, darling" her voice softened as she spoke this time, the slight rage still visible in her gaze. "I'm just trying to protect you, that's why you need to join me, so I can always protect you. I love you"
Y/N laid there, staring up at the ceiling, her chest rising rapidly as memories of her time spent with Bellatrix flooded her mind.
She thought back to there first meeting, there first date when Bellatrix had brought the most beautiful bouquet she had ever seen, memories of smiling and hugging and talking till long past lights out. There plans for after hogwarts never seemed so cruel until now. Y/N had always dreamed of one day being a proffesor at Hogwarts, teaching students Ancient Ruins and helping them with there homework and exams. How silly she felt now for having such dreams when they were all destroyed now. She felt trapped, so alone within such a crowded school. She imagined running, and never looking back, running until her legs ached and screamed for her to stop, running until her chest was so tight it would feel like it could explode within any given minute, running straight into tomorrow, where sky's are never grey and storm clouds never brew, we're roses and daisy grew along every winding path and trees blossomed all year round. She imagined reaching tomorrow.

"I love you too, Bella."

My first story back! I hope you all enjoyed it, I know it's very short but just a little concept I've been working on, the subject in this story is a bit dark so there is a trigger warning at the begining, and for everyone that has been threw something similar you are not alone, please reach out for help if you can, there will always be someone to help.


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