Whispers Beyond The Veil - Remus x Reader

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Remus let out a shaky breath as he looked at the young girl in front of him.
She smiled, her face unchanged from the many years that had past, the only difference being her eyes, he remembered them always sparkling, always shining, they always used to look at him with so much love and attention in the past. But now they were dull, lifeless, and voids of any emotions.
"You haven't changed a bit Y/N" he whispered.
She stepped forward "neither have you remus" he watched as she reached her hand out, the soft touch of her fingertips tracing a line on his face "all though you seem to have cracked In certain places."
Remus let out a choked chuckled at her words, watching as she proceeded to trace one of the scars on his face. "And that one wasn't there when I last saw you."
She moved her hand, cupping his cheek. "You've aged gracefully, unlike myself."
Remus felt his smile drop at her words, his heart tightening the longer he looked at her.
"Am I imagining this?" He whispered, his own hand reaching up to push a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I suppose you are." he felt her thumb gently stroke his cheek, "but that's what dreams are, Remus, imagining what we want or what once was."
She stepped back, looking around at the scene in front of her. "I see you've imagined where we first met."
"Platform 9 3/4" Remus stated, looking around as well, unlike back then, the platform was completely empty, no one in sight. It hadn't changed a bit, the bricks unchanged from all those years ago.
Y/N walked over to an empty bench that faced the tracks. Sitting down, Remus gulped and walked over as well, sitting beside her.
"I've dreamt of you before, but we've never spoken. Why now?" He asked, looking over at her.
"You must have needed to talk to me this time." She looked over at him, smiling softly.
Remus glanced down. "I'm so sorry, Y/n."
Y/N raised her eyebrows. "Why are you sorry?"
"Because I couldn't save you."
Y/N sighed and gently placed her hand on top of his "It's not your fault though, Remus, I may not be here in person but I'll always live on in memory" She leaned forward slightly, her other hand resting on his chest "I'll always live on in here."
Remus looked up at her, meeting her gaze. "Are you just saying that because I'm imagining it?" He chuckled, making her chuckled as well.
"Of course not," She giggled, pulling her hand away from his chest "your imagining me how I was before, you know I'd never lie to you."
He nodded, chuckling to himself. "You never did."
He watched as she stood up, her hands going behind her back as she stepped forward, looking down at the tracks.
"You know." She started, turning to look at him "your going to make a great father."
Remus felt the smile tug at his lips as he looked at her. She always did believe in him, "Thank you Y/N"
She giggled, her nose scrunching slightly as she did before she turned her attention back to the tracks.
The sound of a whistle broke the silence, and the familiar smell of smoke filled the air as a train slowly came into view.
"Well, this is my train." remus instantly stood up at her words, his face dropping instantly.
"B-but we barely spoke!" He said, stepping towards her. He could see the train coming closer out of the corner of his eye."You can't go yet."
"Oh Remus" She gently took his hand "you have a new life to go back too, but don't worry, you'll see me again soon, very soon, and we'll talk then, but for now, go be a hero".
The train slowly came to a stop behind her, she glanced back at it before looking at remus one more time, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek "don't be scared" She whispered, before gently pulling away and turning round, stepping up into the train, she turned back to look at him and smiled brightly "I have always loved you Remus"
Remus gulped, feeling his eyes water "as have I Y/N."
The train whistled once more, the tracks starting up as smoke filled the station once more.
Remus closed his eyes, listening to the train depart, unable to watch her leave again, as he opened his eyes he found himself back in the darkness of his room, his heart still pounding, he sat up and left his bedroom, stopping for a few seconds to look at his wife laying in the spot besides him. He sighed and walked into the kitchen, spotting the calendar on the wall beside the fridge.
"Of course," he whispered, looking at the date.
It was the 20th anniversary of Y/N death.

Requested by _Bella07_Officials I hope its OK, I will try to write so less sad ones soon 😬

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