7. How you sleep

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All tho outside of the bedroom Remus is one of the cuddliest people you ever meet, he loves to snuggle on the sofa, in the corridor, by the lack just everywhere but once in bed and ready for sleep he won't think twice about hugging you or anything, he sleeps in his side while you sleep on your back, sometimes holding each others hands instead.


Severus is the opposite to Remus, he hates showing affection during the day but at night he loves spooning you in your sleep, he's wrap his lanky arms around your waist and hold you to his chest, your not normally like these when you wake up considering he's always up before you but it's nice to fall asleep to.


In bed Sirius is the worst considering he doesn't stay still, he tosses and turns, he steals the blanket and once our twice you've found him at the end of the bed, before going to sleep you'll lay down in front of each other, one of his arms wrapped round your figure.


He likes to have you as close to him as physically possible, you normally lay down untop of him, always falling asleep after he's combed his fingers threw your soft hair. In the morning you still find your self against him, he says it makes him feel safe.


Peter prefers sleeping back to back to you cause like Sirius he's a fidget and plus he's often awake early so if he's tangled in your arms in a hug he knows he'll never be able to get out the bed quietly without managing to wake you up.


Every night the position changes, you'll never go to sleep at night in the same position, sometimes your laying face to face, back to back, legs tangled together, top to toe, holding hands the list goes on endlessly yet every night you manage to be touching a small part of her.

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