6. First Kiss

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You sighed, leaning your back against the tree near the lack, your gaze drifting over to the redhead who was paddling her feet in the water, reading a book as she did. You guys had been together now for quiet some time, nearly 3 months now yet neither of you had had the courage to kiss the other. You didn't do it because you thought it might make things awkward and Lily never made a move because she feared someone would come along and laugh at you guys. To most you were just friends, Lily didn't particularly want anyone to know, you weren't sure if she was ashamed of you or just scared to come out to everyone either way it was silently killing you not to be able to hug her in the hallway or walk down the corridor hand in hand. You sat there thinking for a full two minutes before pushing yourself up unto to your feet and walking over to her, there was no one in the corner so you knew what you were about to do would stay between you and Lily. Thoughts rushed threw your mind as you approached the girl, you were both excited and nervous to finally take the lead. You kneeled down besides her. "Lily" you said quiet which instantly made her look up. "Yes?" She asked a small smile gracing her lips, you hesitated a second before leaning closer, letting both your lips touch briefly before quickly pulling away. All tho the kiss lasted barely two seconds you could still feel it on yours lips. Her cheeks became a dark red, her eyes wide which made you panic. "Oh merlin I'm s-so so-" before you could continue your jumbles of apologies, the redhead pulled you into another soft kiss, only really to make you stop talking. Her lips tasted like strawberries against yours, so soft and gently that you feared if you kissed her to hard you'd break her. After a short while she broke the kiss to look you in the eyes, she giggled. No words were exchanged but none were really needed as you both hugged and kissed until the marauders showed up to ruin both your fun.


Remus smiled as a small giggle left your lips as he began to tickle you, the pair of you had been laying on his bed. You between his legs as he played with your hair. The Gryffindor always seemed to be playing with your hair, he had a strange obsession with it so you let him do whatever he wanted with it right now yet it seemed he got bored so he decided to start a tickle was between the both of you. You attempted to turn round to tickle him and failed miserably as he held you against his chest in a bear hug making sure you wouldn't be able to move an inch. You looked up at him and smiled and without either of you thinking your lips were suddenly connected. Remus's lips were rough against yours even if he was kissing you so feathertly, you could feel a small cut on his lips as you kissed him that didn't really bother you much. He tasted like chocolate and you couldn't seem to get enough of his sweet lips until you both broke apart for air. "Wow" he muttered staring into your bright eyes, you panted lightly and giggled, seizing your opportunity and tickling him before he had even realised you were doing so.


You walked down the corridor besides your best friend Amber, you both were talking random subjects and boys, a topic that came up a lot was your relationship with Sirius, it hadn't been long that you guys had started dating, there had always been some tension between the both of you considering literally every girl and boy wanted Sirius yet you seemed to be the only one not super interested in him, until now. You turned the corridor only to feel someone yanking you backwards straight into an empty classroom. You turned round and snarled looking at the older Black himself. "Sirius! Your going to make me late for class again" you hissed, your eyes fixed on his, noticing the sly smirk on his face. "I'm not going to make you miss class I just needed to give you something real quickly." You raised your eyebrows confused, ready to ask what when you were token back by the force of Sirius's lips against yours. A blush crept up your neck as your arms went round his neck awkwardly, returning the kiss only to have him pull away with a massive smirk on his lips once again. "Your gonna be late". "Don't care" you muttered pulling him in for another kiss."


You stood in front of Severus with your hands on his shoulders staring into his scared eyes. It had been nearly six month's since you both started dating and yet neither of you had kissed until now. You both agreed that you wanted to try it so her you both were now stood in front of each other trying to figure out how to do it. Severus loosened his tight grip on your waist and sighed. "We cannot stand here like these forever" he pointed at, which at that point you had to agree. "Okay, why don't we close our eyes and just do it?" You asked. Silence followed the question until Severus shook his head "what if we miss?". "Okay then one of us close there eyes and the other kisses them" nearly instantly after your proposition Severus closed his eyes allowing you to do it. You stared at him nervously before slowly leaning forward letting your lips press against his. Unsure what to do you pulled away seconds later to find Severus as red as Lily Evans hair. "Y-yes well now that's done I have potions homework to finish" he stuttered straining out his uniform before going back to sit on his bed leaving you standing there awkwardly.


You sat on the floor of the gryffindor common room in a circle with all the other marauders playing truth or dare. You sat besides your boyfriend Peter who nervously choose dare from Sirius. Sirius' face lit up as his friend choose dare and the worry on Peter's was evident. "I dare you to finally kiss Y/N" Sirius said making Peter blush brightly and for you to chuckle turning to him. You raised your eyebrows at him giving him a questioning look, wondering if he'd actually do it or chicken out. "Go on Wormtail!" James encouraged him making you roll your eyes as both James and Sirius began to cheer him on. Peter looked extremely uncomfortable as he stared at you and you decided to take action for him, you leaned closer and gently pecked his lips, sending him into a flurry of blushes, making the other marauders laugh as you smiled at the shy boy who now had his face Hidden in his hands.


You looked up from your book, hearing someone clearing there throat, you looked up to notice James, a smile spread across your lips as you stood up to face him. "Hello babe" he smiled making you giggle "hey prankster, haven't you got class?" You asked only to earn a chuckle from him. "I do but I'd much rather spend it with my favourite hufflepuff" you sighed, he loved skipping class when you had free period and often got into trouble for it. "Mcgonagle will yell at you" you pointed out. "Don't care as long as I'm with you" he said leaning one hand on the wall, now being so close you could feel his warm breath on your face. You stared down at his lips for a split second, only to catch him staring at yours. "I know I'm so kissable" you joked. "Oh shut up" he said shaking his head slightly". "Make me" you challenged a glint in your eyes. He smirked and pressed your lips together softly yet passionately. He pulled away a split second later. "Got you to shut up".

I had very little ideas at the end sorry! If you guys have any preference idea's please comment down below!
~ Cas

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