3. Nicknames

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Severus doesn't really do nicknames, at all, sometimes he'll say the shortened version of your name but that's mostly it, he loves saying your name properly because it reminds him each time that your his.
To annoy him you like to call him 'Potion's Man' but once again you don't that very often considering how shy you are and how nervous you get when he frowns at the nickname so most times you stick to 'Sev' or 'Severus'.


Lily goes for the old fashion 'dear' and 'darling' it always makes you feel special when she greets you every morning with sentences like 'hello my dear' or 'you lovely darling.'
You like to call her 'my pretty little flower' because you find her as beautiful as a flower and possibly prettier. Lily herself finds the nickname sweet and each time you say it, it's followed with a smile and a blush from your lover.


Peter loves anything sweet so it's no surprise that the first nickname he gave you reflected that love for sweets. He called you 'honey' due to the fact that you like putting honey on your toast, very random but the nickname stuck forever.
You like to call him 'sweetie' due to the reason he loves candy. Once again random but you both like food and it only seemed normal to have food nicknames.


James being James calls you either 'baby' or 'babe' sometimes if he's in one of those annoying moods he'll call you 'baby girl' cause he knows how much you hate being called that.
You call him 'the prankster' due to his excessive pranks and jokes, before you started dating you'd always greet him in the hallway using this specific phrase 'well isn't it the prankster himself'.


Remus being Remus is adorable and his nickname for you was going to be exactly the same. He calls you many different things exemple 'sweetheart', 'my love' and 'beautiful'.
Your not really one for nicknames so you often stick with his name because you love it so much, occasionally you'll call him 'darling' but that's the excess of nicknames for you.


'Sexy' and 'gorgeous' are on the top of Sirius's list of nicknames to cal you to annoy you in front of people but once alone he calls you 'sugar' and 'mine' because he wants you to constantly know your his.
You call him 'star' simple yes and mostly to annoy him but also because you love the fact that his name is a star in the sky.

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