Blooming Feelings - Lily x Reader

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Forever beautiful.
That's the only way Y/N could ever describe Lily.
She watched her from the other side of the classroom, unable to stop herself from smiling. She was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Even now, she could see her keeping that beauty well into old age. She only prayed that she would be there to see it.
Her red hair was always kept prestine, never a knot in sight, never unkempt, never wild, even on the windiest days it still seemed to stay perfect, even when the wind bellowed hard down on her it still fell and framed her face exactly how it was meant to. She often imagined lacing flowers into her soft locks, curling them around each stem until she was a real-life forest queen.
Lily's eyes flicked up as she looked at the board in front of her.
Her blue eyes always shone perfectly in the sunshine of summer and seemed to glow amongst the snow of winter. They always held an air of curiosity. intelligence buried deep behind those baby blue orbs. Whenever anyone talked, they remained fixated on the person, always giving every ounce of attention to them. Y/N had also seen the sorrow behind them. The memories of them filled with tears panged painfully in her chest, a vision she wished never to experience again. She swore that day she'd never let anyone make Lily cry again.
The bell chimed the end of the class, students around her began to stand to pack up there things, Y/N followed there lead, shoving the books into her satchel, already dreading the afternoon lessons to come.
"Wasn't that fascinating, Y/N?"
Y/N looked up, locking eyes with the redhead in front of her.
Her voice was soft, like a melody Y/N never wanted to stop listening to, like a song she wished to play, forever.
Lily was smiling ear to ear, clearly excited to discuss the contents they had just learnt from there divination lesson, Y/N found herself smiling as well, always feeling the room light up whenever Lily graced them with one of her beautiful smiles, she always ended up wondering how her lips would feel on hers.
"I suppose," Y/N said simply, pulling the strap of her bag over her shoulder.
"You guess?" Lily chuckled as the pair began to walk out of the classroom."Divination is such a fascinating subject! I love reading tea leaves, the thought that our future lays at the bottom of a mug is just so... magical"
Y/N raised her eyebrows, turning to look at the girl as they walked. "That's what you find magical? We're in a magic school Lil's"
Lily giggled, shrugging her shoulders. "Still! It's fascinating to me!" She stopped, standing in front of Y/N. "How about the strings of fate?"
"What about them?"
"Well, do you believe in them?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, desperately hoping her cheeks weren't reddening at her words. Of course, she believed in strings of fate. The idea that her and Lily could be connected by a string that intertwined there destiny's is all she could ever dream of. From what she remembered of that lesson, the strings of fate is an invisible red string that connects one person's soul to another, when one dies the strings snaps, and there destiny's become lost, leaving the other never truly hole ever again.
"It's kinda sad the idea," She lied, watching Lily slightly shake her head, turning to continue walking.
"I think it's romantic." Lily stated, turning to the front entrance and out into the courtyard."I wonder who I am spiritual connected to?"
Y/N sighed softly, wanting to scream 'me!' At her, yet she stayed silent, following her to where she assumed she was going, the black lake.
Lily loved sitting by the lake to read after class. If Y/N ever had problems finding her, she always knew were to look first.
The breeze slowly picked up as they walked, a slight chill filling the air as autumn was slowly coming to it's end, brown leafs scattered there path, a slight crunch in there steps as they walked over them. Y/N pulled her scarf tighter around her, snuggling her face into the soft fabric.
She watched as Lily sat herself down in her usual spot. She leaned her back against the old oak tree that had been there ever since the both had started in there first year, it stood not to far from the shore, giving them a perfect view of the lake, the sun glistening of the murky water.
"Who do you think you're connected to, Y/N?" Lily asked as Y/N plopped herself down besides her.
Y/N thought for a second, other than Lily there was no on else she really had a strong bond to, she couldn't really imagine herself falling in love with anyone else.
She got along well with the marauders but never really thought of them as anything other than friends. Lily, on the other hand she spent nearly every waking day together. They dormed together, ate together, and had lessons together. They had been friends since day one.
"I don't know, to be honest," She finally answered, glancing over at Lily, who was already pulling out a book from her bag.
Lily chuckled, flicking to the page she last read, "There must be someone you have a crush on."
Y/N felt her cheeks redden slightly. She shook her head, pulling out her own book, hoping Lily couldn't see the crimson colour filling her cheeks.
A comfortable silence filled the air after that, leaving Y/N hopeful that was the end of the awkard conversation. She glanced over to Lily, watching her eyes slowly scan the page as she read. She turned looking down at her own book, quietly reading the page, the sound of the branches rustling in the wind soothing the both.
The water rippled slightly before going still as Lily spoke once again.
"Do you think maybe we're connected?"
The question froze Y/N instantly, the colour flooding straight back to her cheeks. She looked up to find Lily looking at her, a soft smile playing on the girls lips.
Lily glanced down at Y/N's book, catching a glimpse of the muggle mythology book she was reading.
"You know, Achilles once said,'I would recognise you in total darkness, we're you mute, and I deaf. I would recognise you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion." Y/N glanced down at her hands, only just noticing that Lily's was on top of hers, her heart rate quickened, her breath catching in her throat and before she even realised, she was leaning closer to Lily, her body seeming to move on instinct.
"That's pretty romantic," She mumbled, glancing down at Lily's lips.
Lily smile never left her face as she leant in as well.
"Well, I can be pretty romantic when I want to be," Lily whispered back, their lips now centimetres apart.
It happened in an instance. The string that pulled them closer grew stronger, and their lips finally touched.
Y/N could taste a slight sweetness on Lily's lips from the strawberries she had eaten for breakfast that morning. Her lips were soft, melding perfectly with Y/N.
And as quick as it started, Lily pulled away, leaving Y/N feeling weirdly empty, her touch still lingering.
Lily giggled, sitting back against the tree, opening her book back up.
Y/N sat there wide eyed, the words not forming as she stared at the redhead besides her, so many things she wanted to say that she couldn't quiet get out, the only thing she could do was continue staring at Lily in disbelief, her heart still racing a hundred miles an hour.
After a full minute of pure silence, Lily finally looked back up at her, that beautiful smile not once leaving her face.
"We should go on a date sometime."

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