Part 2

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    When he finally reached his brother, Dean was frantically running around stuffing weapons and a spare pair of clothes into a bag. "Dean what are you doing?" He asked in confusion

"Look Sammy we need to move on, Cas is dead and he ain't coming back" Sam noticed the momentary flash of pain in Dean's eyes as the words left his mouth but ignored it as his older brother continued "I think we got a case, theres been reports of something attacking women a few miles from here and well you know me Sammy, I'm all about saving damsels in distress" he said winking at his brother. Sam rolled his eyes and chuckled.  He knew Dean was hurting too but maybe this was what Dean needed a sense of normality to help cope with the pain of losing their brother. "I'll go get my stuff" he said before leaving the room. As soon as Sam left Dean dropped the false smile. He knew Sam hadn't fallen for his act but he needed to move on.

       Dean was driving his baby with Sam sitting beside him, Dean's eyes were fixed on the road ahead, his hands tensed around the wheel every so often. Sam stared out the window and the beat of classic rock made the drive less silent as they rumbled along the road.

     As they got changed into their FBI uniforms and got their fake ID badges they looked at each other. They could both see the pain behind each other's eyes but neither wanted to break, they had to stay strong for each other. For Cas. "Alright so we ready?" Dean asked Sam.

"Yeah I think so lets go" Sam replied. It was good to get out the bunker and at least try to get their mind off the void in their hearts. They pulled up at the hospital and waltzed into the morgue. "hello sir, we're agents from-" Sam began

"Yeah one of your friends is already here he's just around the corner" Sam and Dean looked at each other in confusion "must be another hunter" Sam whispered but he was slightly uneasy. Dean nodded but looked down at where he kept his gun and then looked at Sam. He knew what he meant. They turned the corner and froze. Their eyes filled with shock, they looked at each then back to the man that faced them. "Cas?" Dean asked.

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