Part 4

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   Once they'd recovered they headed back to the motel they were staying at for the night.

"thought we'd got past staying in crappy motels, I'd just gotten the smell of them outta my hair" Sam said light-heartedly trying to break the tension. The comment was ignored by Dean who went straight to the fridge and pulled out a beer downing it within seconds, before pulling out another as his brother watched,  a solemn look on his face as his forehead creased with concern.

"Dean drinking isn't going to solve this ok? we need to figure this out"

"whats the point Sammy?" Dean slurred, the alcohol already taking effect "you know" he took another swig from his bottle -he must have been on his fourth or fifth bottle by now- "i think it hurt less when we thought he was dead" he slurred, tears swimming in his eyes again "he doesn't remember us Sammy. He doesn't remember. HE DOESN'T REMEMBER" Dean threw his bottle in frustration, the glass shattering everywhere leaving sharp glistening shards of glass all over the motel floor.

"DEAN" Sam yelled, tears threatening to spill form his own eyes.

"Dean. Stop. I know it hurts ok, but we're gonna fix this we always do. We'll find a way to make him remember" he said whilst taking slow, cautious steps towards his brother "I mean after everything we've been through, we stopped the freaking apocalypse for God's sake! We're gonna fix this Dean. Together. " By this time he'd reached his brother and was able to catch him just in time as he dropped to his knees. Sam ignored the glass biting into his knees as he comforted his brother. The pain from the glass was nothing compared to what he was feeling inside and he knew his brother felt the same.

      They both sat on the floor for a while hugging each other and crying. Glass ripped through their jeans and tore through their skin. They pulled away at the same time and look at each other but this time they didn't see pain, they saw desperation behind their brothers eyes. Desperate to help  a misguided angel find his way back home, to people that love him, the people that care about him, the people who would do anything for him. They both stood and looked at the corpse of the bottle that laid shattered on the floor and pierced into their skin.

"How about we try to get some sleep huh?" Sam asked the slightly drunk Dean.

"Yeah lets clean up first" Sam went into the bathroom whilst Dean cleared up the shards of glass lying around. He kept looking at he door half-expecting to hear a knock and a familiar voice saying his name. But it never happened. Sam exited the bathroom and joked "well at least I got that smell out of my hair" Dean half-laughed and shuffled into the bathroom and locked the door. He looked into the mirror and saw what was looking back at him: an empty shell of the man he used to be.

"I let everyone down" he whispered "Dad,Sam,Bobby and now Cas. I can't do anything right" more tears fell from his eyes. He looked back at the mirror and wiped away his tears and let out a sigh. He cleaned himself up and left the bathroom. Sam was already and soon Dean was too. 

*Dean's Dream*

Dean was hugging Cas' trenchcoat and stood next to the little stone with one word engraved on it: Castiel. They couldn't have a proper funeral as his body disappeared before they could him  a funeral so this would have to do. All that remained was the trenchcoat, that's all he had left of him. He looked at Sam and spoke six simple words "lay your weary head to rest" and then began to weep over the loss of his friend, of his brother. Sam walked over to him and said to him "don't your cry no more".

Dean woke up and gasped "Cas" 

   Dean sprung out of bed throwing on his jacket whilst shoving his feet into his shoes before running out into the cold night air, the mist swallowing him as he ran to his baby. He had to find Cas. Meanwhile Sam tossed and turned in his sleep, he was plagued by a nightmare.

*Sam's Dream*

Running. He was running. His feet pounding along the pavement as he ran through the pitch black street calling his brother's name. He ran until he was out of breath and doubled over onto the cold hard floor gasping for breath, his lungs burning and muscles aching. He had to find Dean. He had to find Cas. Just as he began to push himself off the ground, converse clad came into Sam's sight.

"Sup Bitch" Sam's head jerked in recognition. Charley smiled down at him.

"Carry on my wayward son" the familiar gruff voice of Bobby said as he ambled into view.

"There'll be peace when you are done" the soft tone of his beloved mother's voice making his heart swell. He began to see figures behind her emerge, as they came closer he began to recognise them. All the people he had loved and cared about. Jess, Charley, Bobby, Mum, Dad, Adam, Cas. All of them dead expect..."Dean"

  Sam shot upright and looked to the bed where his brother should be sleeping. He was gone.

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