Part 10

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 The boys all sat around Sam's laptop surrounded by take away boxes, candy wrappers and discarded drink cans and bottles, watching the footage over and over. The young girl was walking through the forest, a back pack slung carelessly over her shoulder, suddenly a dark shape shot out of the undergrowth and in a blur she was on the ground, blood covering her body, her face, her clothes. The shrill scream of the girl was imprinted into the boys head as they watched again and again trying to figure out what it was, but it was too fast. All they could see was a blurred humanlike figure with demonic glowing eyes. 

"if only" Dean thought "if only this thing was a freaking demon" They needed to figure out what it was before more innocent girls were taken or murdered. Two had already died, one still missing, they couldn't let this carry on. But what the hell was it?

"C'mon Sammy, you really don't know what it is yet?" Dean said and stood up. Sam looked at him with his classic Winchester bitch face.

"No Dean, I don't" He replied. 

"Well how are we supposed to gank this son of bitch if you can't even figure out what it is? I think your nerd powers are failing" Sam was about to reply but was stopped when Cas spoke up.

"Maybe we need to set a trap" the brothers stared at him with blank faces. "we could use someone as bait and when it comes for her, whatever it is, we can kill it"

A smile came to Dean's face as he looked at the angel.

"yes that's what I'm talking about" he said energetically, he looked over to Sam who still had his classic bitch face and was looking straight at Dean.

"whilst all this talk is good, you're both forgetting one thing" he paused leaving them hanging on his every word. "this thing goes after girls and I'm pretty sure none of us are girls" he looked at both Cas and Dean, Dean's smile slowly turned into a frown and Cas looked down at himself and back to the brothers. 

"you're right Sam, so we need a girl, no problem I'll just go and get one" Cas said heading for the door.

"woah Cas you don't want to do that trust me" Dean sprinted towards the door and put himself between the door and Cas. "if anyone is gonna get a girl, it's yours truly" he smiled exposing his teeth. "I just have a way with women" Cas looked at him with a blank expression and then looked at Sam who just rolled his eyes and then returned to looking at his laptop. Dean looked at them both and smiled. He grabbed his keys for his bay and just before he shut the door he popped his head around and said "you guys set the trap and text me when you're done, oh and don't wait up for me" he winked and strutted to his baby.

"oh the things I do for the family business" he said smugly to himself as he pulled up outside the local bar. He was starting to feel like himself again. Cas may not remember him, but he sure as hell was Cas. Holding his badge upside down, the badly chosen false name, how innocent he seemed when he was confused. Cas was back. He was back and it was only a matter of time before things were normal again, well as normal as they could be for a group of brothers who hunt monsters. 

Remembering the task at hand, he slid out the Impala, locking it behind him before walking cockily into the bar. He spotted this target within seconds. The young waitress at the bar had long flowing golden hair with big baby blue eyes that were framed with long, fluttering lashes.

"perfect" Dean thought as he strutted towards the bar.

"what can I get you?" said the sweet voice of the waitress. Dean smiled a toothy grin before replying.

"I'll take a beer... and your number"he said winking at her. She giggled softly, her cheeks turning crimson as she shyly turned away to fetch Dean beer. He smiled at Dean's reaction. No one could resist his charm.

"so what time do you get off?" he asked the waitress raising his eyebrows and moving his upper body across the bar so he was closer to her.She giggled.

"I get off in an hour, hang around for a bit" he nodded and proceeded to drink his beer. He got his phone and text Sam "you got an hour to get that trap sorted" , he then put his phone back and span on his stool chuckling to himself. 

"everythings coming up Dean Winchester" he thought. He looked over to the waitress who kept glancing over at him blushing. He felt bad that they were using her for a trap but he kept telling himself that she would be safe and they would catch whatever they were catching.

The waitress disappeared behind the bar and after a couple of minutes she reappeared wearing a grey crop top with black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. Dean looked at her and grinned from ear to ear. He jumped from his stool and headed over to the drop-dead gorgeous woman that stood before him.

"shall we?" he asked the waitress, she nodded and giggled and Dean escorted her out of the bar and into his baby. He took his phone out again and sent another text to Sam. "Ready when you are Sammy"  and then ran over to the driver's side and drove off.

Dean and the girl made small talk as they drove, Dean occasionally making a suggestive or flirty comment. He couldn't help himself. Their voices mixed with the soft rock music flowing from the Impala's speakers and the gentle roar of the engine, the girl seemed so innocent and pure, every time she laughed Dean felt guilt wash over him like a punch to gut. As they got further away from the bar an awkward silence hung in the air and the girl began to fidget. Dean noticing her becoming increasingly agitated looked over to her in concern

"you alright?" he asked his deep silky voice breaking the silence. She looked out the window, avoiding her eye contact.

"w....where are you taking me?" she asked. Guilt and horror washed over Dean again as he realised what she must be thinking. He was driving towards an isolated forest that had been the location for a recent murder. Shaking, she let out a quiet whimper, that made Dean feel sick to his stomach.

"look sweetheart, I'm not gonna hurt you okay? There's something bad out there, thats hurting people. Killing them. We need you to help us catch it" he said softly trying not to scare her too much. Suddenly her crying stopped.

"Oh Dean" she said sinisterly "dean, dean dean" she mocked as she slowly turned her head towards him. He stared in confusion not knowing what to do or what was happening.

"sweetheart what-" Her head jerked up to look at him, her once baby blue eyes, a fiery crimson red. No pupil. Just red.

"Son of a...."


I think this the longest part and wow such drama and plot twist. 

anyway comment and vote :)

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