Part 11

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"Now I don't appreciate swearing Dean" her once golden voice had become deep and almost animalistic. Dean stared at the thing sitting next to him. What was it? And more importantly how could he kill it?

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice the Winchesters in my territory?" it laughed "gosh you must be getting slow in your old age maybe it's time to retire" it flew its head back laughing. Dean swerved the Impala off the main road and pulled up.

"What the hell are you?" Dean asked.

"What the hell am I? What the hell are you? You were once a great hunter and now..." it trailed off. Dean continued to stare at the thing riding shotgun in his baby.

"now if you don't mind I'm gonna head off" it opened the passenger door and started to walk into the abyss. Dean leapt out of the Impala and chased it down, he grabbed his gun and pinned it up against a tree staring into its red eyes that looked like hell fire.

"Oh sweetheart" said the monster "do you really want to do that?" it said with a mocking grin.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't" Dean retorted. It laughed again, the sound of its harsh laugh shattering the quiet of the secluded forest and piercing Dean's ears like knives.

"Because" she drawled "if you do, that angel ,you're so fond of, more like baby in a trenchcoat really. Will. Never. Remember. You" she cackled again as Dean's grip on her loosened.

"what?" he grunted, perplexed. Then it dawned on him.

"You" he said angrily and tightened his grip on her.

"what the hell did you do to Cas, huh? WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

"If you kill me" she choked out as Dean grasped her throat. "You'll never know. You'll never have him back" he smiled back at her, angrily shaking his head.

"no, no, no sweetheart don't try that with me. He was dead alright, he was dead how the hell did you bring him back huh?" it laughed again but Dean didn't miss the confusion that was creeping its way onto the things face. Dean used the monster's confusion to his advantage and smirked.

"so how did you bring him back?" the monster's eyes darted "you didn't did you? So you're lying?" He pushed tighter against the monster's windpipe.

"I'm not lying, I didn't bring him back but I can help get his memories back" it was gasping for breath, its voice becoming raspy and hoarse. Dean slowly released the pressure.

"Ok how?" he demanded, the monster bent over gasping for breath and then began to laugh.

"why would I help a Winchester?" It laughed, Dean pointed the gun and fired a bullet. It carried on walking towards him, each footstep harder than the last.

Sam had texted Dean multiple times saying that they were ready but there was no answer.

"Hey Cas, I'm getting worried Dean hasn't replied to any of my messages" Sam's voice filled with worry and his eyes filled with terror 

"don't worry we'll find him" Cas placed his hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Looking for someone?" A voice from the darkness called. Two pairs of footsteps advanced towards them.

"DEAN" Sam shouted.

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