Part 6

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     Sam could tell he had been crying again even though the rain dripping down his face made it hard to tell. He knew his brother and losing their best friend had broke him but not being remembered was killing him.

"Well" Sam asked softly "what happened?"

"He didn't remember Sammy, he didn't-" his eyes welled up.

"come here" Sam grabbed his brother and wrapped his arms around him.

"let's just finish the case" Dean mumbled into his brother's shoulder.

"Ok well since I couldn't really do anything else I've been doing some research. It turns out five women have been disappearing each year since 1956" Dean walked over to the bag that was stuffed under his bed and grabbed a red plaid flannel shirt and a new pair of navy blue jeans and went to the bathroom to get changed. 

     Neither one could sleep, so they decided that they might as well start to try and finish the hunt, after all hunting things, saving people was the family business with or without Cas. They'd done it before without him so they can do it now.

   It hurt to think that but it was true so they sat together around the table researching and trying to figure out what they might be up against. For Sam the research seemed to provide a welcomed distraction but for Dean it was a way to get his brother off his back. He hated Sam seeing him like this, broken and damaged. He was the older brother, he was supposed to be strong -it was how his Dad had raised him after all- but deep inside he was still hurt. 

     He thought back to earlier to when Cas hugged him "I must clearly mean something to you"  he had said. "If only you knew" Dean thought "if only you knew how much you meant" sighing he turned the page of the book he was reading. Of course he wasn't actually reading it, he was trying he really was but no matter how hard he tried his minds always wandered back to Cas. The ocean blue eyes that once looked at him with trust and loyalty now stare at him in confusion. His lips which would turn up slightly at the corners whenever he was with Sam and Dean, now turned down at the corners in disapproval. His trenchcoat clad shoulders that would shake slightly with his gentle laughter, now looked stiff and tense.

"What the hell happened to him?" Dean thought. He was brought out of his daze by his brother clearing his throat.

"Dean" he said in exasperation "you haven't turned the page in like half an hour. You're not even reading it are you?" 

"Research is more of your area, as you are the nerd of the family" Dean joked, the stopped, his eyebrows furrowed. Family. Something at the minute that was incomplete. He stood up from the table and walked over to the duffel bag and started to load up his guns.

"this is what I do" he said. Sam looked at him with slight disappointment, the research provided a distraction for himself but clearly Dean needed to hunt to get his mind off cas.

     He continued to clack on the keyboard and skim read the pages of his book before turning the page of the book. It seemed like hours before Sam taped on the table "Dean I think i got something, look here" Dean glided over to to the table eager to get on with the hunt.

"A witness saw a man take the latest victim into a forest and didn't come back"

"Yea? So, seems like douche bag of a guy" Dean said slightly deflated of what Sam has found.

"But listen to the last bit: the witness reported to the cops that the guy had glowing eyes" they both looked at each other and smiled.

"Lets go talk to that witness" Dean smiled it was the first time in a long time that Sam had saw him smile a genuine smile like that. They got ready and headed out the door. 

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