Part 3

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     The man turned around at the sound of Dean's voice. It seemed as though time itself had stopped as Sam and Dean stared into the eyes of the man they had been pouring for so long. "Cas is that you?" Sam breathed as his brother stood there frozen. Castiel narrowed his crystal blue eyes in confusion as the brothers stood frozen, staring. "I...I'm do I know you?" He said, his gravely voice breaking the silence. Tears threatened to spill from Dean's eyes as his heart shattered, the hopeful expression dropping from his face and being replaced with one of pain and devastation. Sam equally devastated looked down and took  a deep breath in order to compose himself before speaking "it's us Cas, Sam and Dean"

"I'm sorry I don't know a Sam or Dean" Cas replied still confused. There was a silence before Cas turned and began to walk away, it was then that Dean sprang into action. The thought of losing him again after just getting him back -even if he didn't remember them- was too much for him to handle. He went to grab cas' arm but was pulled back by the firm grip of his brother. "let me go Sammy" he grunted as he tried to pull away.

"we can't lose him again. I can't lose him again" Desperation was clear in his voice.

"Dean he doesn't even remember us ok? that might not even be Cas, i mean for all we know it could be a shifter or something " Sam tried to reason. The once pained and devastated look on his face was replaced by an eerily clam expression as he looked at his brother with an unwavering gaze "no" he said emotionless "that's Cas, Sam"

"Dean-" Sam didn't get a chance to finish as his brother stalked down the corridor after the retreating figure of the man who had been haunting their dreams. The man who they had been reminded of every waking hour since it happened. Their friend. Their brother. They'd gone so long without him, blaming themselves for his death and believing it should have been them. He knew Dean wasn't about to let him go again. He'd make him remember them, if it was the last thing he did. Sighing Sam started up the corridor after his brother, he wasn't going to be able to persuade him to stop and in all honesty he didn't want Dean to stop. He missed Cas too and wanted him back.

        "Hey wait up, I just wanna talk" Dean shouted at the man, he looked over his shoulder and quickened his pace trying to make a clean exit from the two men stalking him up the corridor. Dean's brisk walk turned into a jog with Sam following closely behind. "Cas, Cas come on somewhere deep down you remember us. I know you do, your our brother. Family don't forget family" the door flew open and the man had got away. Dean's jog came to an abrupt stop. "Dean come on we're so close don't give up, not now" Sam said hitting him on the arm.

"I can't do this anymore Sammy, you're right it might not even be him" he dropped to his knees making a banging noise as they hit the cold floor "Sam slowly joined him "he looked right through us and then ran away when I needed him most" Dean said between tears.

"I know Dean but we can't do anything he'll come to us if he remembers" 

"what if he doesn't? what if he doesn't come back to us? what if it isn't even him?" Dean stood up and punched the wall, then kicked it then threw all his weight on it. "Dean hurting yourself isn't going to help Cas" Sam slowly grabbed Dean by the shoulders and turned him so he was facing him "lets just finish the case, if we run into him again then we might get a chance to talk to him okay? but in the mean time lets head back to our room I think we need a rest" Dean nodded weakly and then collapsed into Sam's arms and sobbed "I was so close to him Sammy after all this time i was so close but he got away" 

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