Part 7

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"God if there's one thing I hate about this job, it's wearing these damn suits" Dean said to his brother who simply chuckled in response. It was just like the old times as Sam and Dean walked up the small path leading to the witness' house. They knocked on the door and readied their badges as they heard the door being unlocked. A small, fragile looking girl who couldn't be older than 20 looked up at the huge 'FBI' agents with wide and terrified eyes. Sam and Dean raised their badges in synchronisation as Sam said "Hi ma'am we're agents Kurt and Osborne we have some questions for you about what you saw the other day, you mind if we come in?" The girl scratched her neck nervously before slowly backing up and opening the door wider, allowing them to come in.

"S..S..Sure c...come in" she said with a forced smile. The brothers returned her smile with one of their own as they entered the house and followed he into the living room.

"What do you want to know?" She asked shakily as she nervously sat down.

"Well" Dean started "why don't you tell us what you saw?" She began to shake and Sam and Dean shared a worried look before Sam got up and walked over and crouched in front of her, his caring instincts taking over.

"Hey,hey,hey it's okay, just tell us what happened ok?" He said as Dean observed them from where he sat, a look of concern etched onto his face.

"O..okay" she stuttered.

"It was late at night and I was going home, I'd worked a late shift at the diner that night. The next thing I knew, i heard a scream, I hid behind a brick wall and saw this guy and woman, I went to call 911 but they didn't believe me because of all the disappearances that have been happening recently so I just sat there, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulders and then ran to the forest but before, he turned around and that's when i saw his glowing eyes. After she was reported missing, the police believed everything except his glowing eyes, I mean I don't know what to believe" The girl put her head into her hands, Sam went to sit next to her and pulled her into a side hug, whilst Dean just looked on.

"Well we believe you we'll call you with any updates and don't be afraid to ring us if you remember anything" Dean passed her his card and faked a smile and then looked at Sam to make an exit. They were walking down the path and back to the Impala.

"So glowing eyes, stealing women, any idea Sammy"

"none" Sam said in frustration as he climbed into the Impala "she seemed pretty freaked out about it though"

"Yeah the word terrified comes to mind" Dean sassed as he started up the car, the engine purring as they went to pull away. It was then that they heard a blood curdling scream. They stared at each other frozen with shock before leaping out of the Impala and hurtling up the path to the girl's house.

     Sam pounded on the door shouting for the girl to open it. She wasn't going to open it. Dean knew that. Grabbing his brother's arm he moved him out of the way before delivering a swift kick to the door resulting in it caving in and the brothers exploded into the house, adrenaline taking over as they searched for the source of the scream. As they reached the kitchen they saw smashed glass on the floor, the contents spilling out like blood from a wound. 

"Sammy" Dean whispered, pointing to the partially open back door after gaining his brother's attention. Sam nodded slowly before bursting into action. He flung the door open and raised his gun, Dean following close behind.

      They burst through the door. There she was. They both lowered their guns and looked at the body laying on the floor. Sam ran his fingers to his hair, grimacing at the thought of what could've done this. Dean slowly walked over to the window and glanced out to see if he could see anything. No luck. Sam knelt beside the 20 something year old girl and shut her eyes, he looked at her mangled body; her chestnut hair draped over her face, her arms sprawled out with blood gushing from the open wounds every inch of her was covered in blood and marks. Sam was so lost that he didn't even hear Dean leave the room, he stood up and went to find his big brother.

    He was slumped against a wall, his head in his hands. He looked up when he heard Sam's footsteps tread across the wooden floor.

"We can't save anyone Sam, she died Sammy" Sam sat opposite him he knew this wasn't just about the girl, it was Cas too. "I couldn't save him either, why would I think that i could save complete strangers when i can't even save my best friend?" He gasped. Sam was about to say something but then he heard the roar of an engine slowly approaching the house.

"Come on Dean, hide someones coming" They hid behind the door and waited for it to open. The sound of footsteps lightly stepping on the path got closer and the brothers heart beat got faster. They reached their guns and watched the door handle jiggle and slowly open. They put their guns up to the unsuspecting intruder they turned.

"Where is she?" it was Cas. 

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