Part 8

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"Cas?" the brothers said in unison. The angel in question stared at them in frustration before walking past them, his black trenchcoat flapping around him as he went.

"where's the girl? I need to question her" The brothers jogged to catch up to him and Sam spun him around to face them carefully.

"She's dead Cas" he said, sorrow written in his eyes. Cas' eyes scrunched up in confusion as Dean stepped forward, the pain in his heart intensifying as he stared into the eyes of his once friend.

"We don't know what did it or why but when we left we heard a scream and ran back and well this is what we found" They pushed open the door, allowing Cas to see the mangled corpse of the recently murdered girl. Castiel was flooded with emotion as he looked at her frail delicate body sprawled out on the floor.

Blood. Blood was everywhere. He averted his eyes, not wanting to see the gruesome and horrific scene before him. She didn't deserve this. No one deserved this. He had let her down. There was silence as the brothers and Cas tried to figure out what to do next. It was Dean that finally broke the silence.

"look Cas, I know you think we're weird or whatever, Ok but there's some crazy shit going on and i think you need our help just as much as we need yours" he hesitated for a moment and Sam looked at him, his soft chocolate brown eyes locked on his brother as he waited for him to continue. "we're gonna catch the son of a bitch that did this but we can't do this alone, we need to work together" he said with a look of hope in his eyes "what d'you say Cas?" he said, a faint smirk on his face.

Cas looked at the two men stood before him, the smirk on Dean's face seemed familiar. Cas knew he could trust the boys just by looking at the familiar smirk. He looked back at the corpse and then back to the brothers, he smiled and nodded. 

"Ok let's do this" Sam looked over to Dean, whose face was covered with relief and hope. They walked out the house and Cas followed them back to their motel room. 

"Alright so we need to find a link between the victims, then maybe we can figure out why this thing is doing it and what it is" Sam said, Cas nodded and sat next to Sam helping with the research. Dean stood next to the bed looking at what he saw before him and smiled to himself.

"There's hope after all" he thought to himself and went to sit at the table and help.

"I thought research wasn't your thing" Sam joked.

"yea well I'm  feeling different now Sammy" the brothers looked at each other and smiled, then looked over to the angel sitting on the chair. They were finally all together. They just needed him to remember.


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