Part 5

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     He stormed out the room and frantically searched the parking lot, both the impala and Dean were gone. Sam's breath became ragged and uneven. What if he does something stupid? he thought, he ran back to the room and dived for his phone which was in his jacket pocket. It rang and rang, each ring longer than the other keeping him in suspense. Voice mail. "Hey it's Sam where the hell are you? Give me a call when you get this, don't do anything stupid. Please"  And that's all he could do, he sat at the foot of the bed staring at the door waiting for his brother to return.

     Dean drove from motel to motel trying to find his best friend. He knocked on every single door and then drove off to the next one. It was dark and the headlights were only helping so much, it also didn't help that he hadn't slept very well so his vision was blurry. The strum of the guitar solo came blasting though the radio, Dean slammed the brake on and took the tape out and threw it into the back of the car, he didn't want to hear that, he wanted to hear Cas' voice saying his name and remembering him. His hands tightened at the wheel again, his elbows locked into place, he was frozen in time, his eyes stared off into the open road and didn't blink once.

    He was just about to give up until a slam of a door broke him from this thoughts, he looked over and then looked again, it was him. It was Cas. He was just about to get out the car and then his phone rang. It was Sam. "Hey Sammy, look spare me the lecture. I found him. I found Cas, I'm gonna go speak to him"

"No Dean, just wait. Come and get me and we'll go together"

"He might be gone by then, look Sammy I can't risk it, I'll be back in a couple of hours. I promise" and with that he hung up the phone and got out of his baby.

   He strode over to room number three and stood there for a couple of seconds and his mind flashbacked to his death, his body started shaking, his legs became weak, he was about to fall to the ground but then he stopped himself. He realised he needed to be strong if he was going t do this. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

     Cas let out an exhausted sigh as he closed the motel door behind him. It had been a long day and he couldn't stop thinking about the encounter he had earlier at the hospital. At the time he didn't recognise the two boys and quite frankly found them strange, but for the rest of the day he couldn't erase the nagging feeling that he did know them. He didn't recognise their faces, their names or their voices but there was just something so familiar about them that he couldn't put his finger on. Recently his mind had been foggy and his memories were clouded by uncertainty which often resulted in a migraine. He punched the bridge of his nose as he shuffled over to the bed, not bothering to remove his scuffed shoes or his tie before he flipped onto the cheap, lumpy motel bed and sighed again.

    Within seconds there was a frantic knock at the door and he scrunched his eyes closed in frustration. He got up and went to answer the door, not knowing who would want to speak to him at this time of the night or who knew he was staying here but as soon as he had begun to open the door a body slammed its way through, forcing the door wide open before slamming it closed behind them.

"You again, how did you find me?" Cas asked confused.

"Complete luck i guess" Dean chuckled "look you don't remember me but that's ok because I can help with that please just come with me" Cas looked at the man, he was desperate it was clear to see: he has dried blood on his jeans, cuts on his knees, his damp from the rain and his plaid shirt clung to the frame of his body. There was something too familiar about this man standing in the middle of his room. 

"I don't even know who you are and you want me to just come away with you, who do you think I am?" Cas asked, slightly angered.

"You're Castiel, you're an angel, you're my best friend why can't you just remember please" Dean begged he was fighting back the tears but one escaped and slid down his cheek, Cas cocked his head to one side and watched the tear slide and took a step towards the sorrowful man and pulled him into a hug.

"I must clearly mean something to you" Cas said, Dean looked him straight in his aqua blue eyes and replied "you mean so much to me Cas, you're my brother. You've helped me so many times I've lost count. Yes you're a jerk sometimes but who isn't? Not even angels are perfect so please if you remember or something call me" he handed Cas a scrunched up piece of paper that he pulled from his pocket and took off back into the rain and Cas stood at the door and watched him drive away before shutting the door and staring at the piece of paper he held in his hand.

        "I'm no angel" he muttered and went to screw up the crumpled piece of paper but for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day before carefully folding the piece of paper with Dean's number on it... or was it Sam's? Shaking his head to clear his confused mind he fell back into the bed and feel into  a deep and fitful sleep.

    The rain pattered heavily against the window as Sam impatiently awaited his brothers return. What was he thinking? Sure Dean and left in the middle of the night before but usually only for food runs or for fresh air to clear his head, never to hunt down an angel who couldn't remember their existence. His head was in his hands and occasionally he raked his hands through his long, flowing hair in frustration. Just when he was about to pick up his phone again and call Dean, the motel door opened and a rain soaked Dean entered the dingy room.

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