Part 12

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"SAMMY NO" Dean yelled as his brother charged towards the monster who was holding Dean captive. Sam ignored him and pulled out his gun. He couldn't just let it kill Dean or anyone else for that matter. He aimed and pulled the trigger, the bullet going straight through the things skull sending its flying back and spraying Dean's face with blodd. Blood oozed from the bullet wound and dripped down its face making it match the hellish red eyes that glared at Sam angrily.

"Damn Winchesters"  she sighed "don't you know it's rude to shoot people?"

"people yeah, you on the other hand, not so much" Sam retorted, trying to hide his panic. What was this thing? Sam looked behind him for Cas, only to find him gone. He didn't have time yo call for him before he was shoved to the damp forest floor, the sharp twigs and jagged rocks digging into his skin. He tried to lift himself up but was roughly pushed back down as he felt his hands being tied behind his back harshly.

"when will you Winchesters ever learn?" She said as she yanked him upright and dragged him over to where she had Dean already tied up to a tree.

"I'll kill you" Dean grunted as he tried to free himself from his restraints.

"No. No you won't" she chuckled eerily "because I'm going to kill you. You and your brother. And no one is coming to save you, Dean, your beloved Cas has left you. He doesn't remember you Dean, he doesn't remember a thing" she smiled "and-" she didn't get to finish her sentence as a body slammed into hers tackling her to the ground. She let out a screech as as she looked up at the man who was currently pinning her to the ground, an angel blade raised above his head. Time appeared to slow down as Dean watched Cas bring the angel blade down in an deadly arc. This was it.She was right. Now he'd remember them.

Dean watched as his friend killed his only hope at remembering. Cas stood up and walked over and untied them both.

"where did you go?" Asked Sam.

"well to tell you the truth to begin with, I was just running but then I stopped and realised something" both Sam and Dean held their breath "I don't know who you are but I know that you're great hunters and even better brothers so I came back and got out this weird looking blade and stabbed her with it"

"that was your angel blade" Dean said rubbing his wrists where the rope was bound on him.

"You know what Dean, I'm not an angel and I don't know where this blade came from and I don't care. What I do care about is that the hunt is finished and we're all safe" Cas said bitterly. Dean sighed and nodded and they began to make their way back to the Impala, Cas had stormed off ahead and Sam and Dean slowed down so they could talk without Cas listening .

"whay are you so upset that Cas killed the monster, you should be happy right?" Sam asked.

"Yea I am but it said that it knew how to help Cas get his memories back and now that chance is gone. " Dean choked on his tears. 

Sam stopped and said "when have we needed someone to help us, we're the Winchesters, we can do anything" 

Dean sighed "sometimes being a Winchester isn't the best, we lose people all the time and just expected to carry on"

"we'll work this out on our own, okay?" Sam tried to be optimistic for the both of them, Dean nodded and then carried on walking. 

Cas was waiting next to the Impala, once they arrived back at the motel, Cas was about to leave  but Dean was not ready to allow that, he won't lose him again.

"hey Cas wait up" he jogged over to him and Cas turned around "look I'm sorry ok it's just if you come back with us, we can keep you safe and to be honest it was fun to do this hunt with you" Cas looked him and narrowed his eyes.

"I dont understand how you found that fun but I don't need to kept safe" he started to walk away but Dean grabbed him.

"No, you don't you're right but at least stay with us for a few days so we can hang out without monsters everywhere" Dean pleaded. Cas looked at Dean and then to Sam who was standing at the door. He had nothing to go back to, he was alone. He looked back to Dean and nodded, Dean's mouth curled up into a smile "ok then back to the bunker" he laughed. 

Dean's excitement sparked in the air as they made the long drive back to the bunker, he was happy, Cas had agreed to come back with them, he wasn't ready to let him go again. Not yet. He glanced to the side seeing his brother riding shotgun nodding his head slightly in time to the music Dean was playing. He looked in the rearview mirror to see Cas sitting in the back watching everything that was passing by them with a curious glint to his eyes. He smiled softly.

"just like old times" he thought to himself .

His smiles dropped when remembered that Cas still had no idea who he was, he let out a sigh and parked the Impala.

"well" he said "this is it" he and his brother climbed out the car. When they realised Cas wasn't following, they looked over to see he was in some sort of daze.

"Cas you coming?" Sam asked snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.

"Yes. I am" he said and got out of the car wrapping his coat tighter around him to shield himself from the cool night  breeze. It was then that Dean had an idea.

"Aright, so this is it, make yourself at home" Sam said to Cas. Cas stood in bewilderment, this place looked so familiar but he wasn't sure why it was, it was like something was screaming in his mind. Whilst Cas was still in a trance Dean snuck off into his room. He opened the wardrobe and carefully took out the tan trenchcoat.

"this better work" he said to himself. He walked out of his room and over to where Cas was.

Sam was sitting with a beer looking at Dean, unsure of what he was doing, Dean gave him a reassuring smile and proceeded over to Cas.

"Hey cas I wanna show you something" his eyes slowly moved so he was looking Dean straight in the eye. He slowly raised the trenchcoat, something flicked behind Cas' eyes.

"here try it on" he handed it over to Cas and then took a step back. Cas stared at the trenchcoat in his hands.

"I don't understand I already have one" he glanced between Sam and Dean and the Sam softly spoke.

"well we think this one would suit you better" Cas put the tan trenchcoat on the table and removed his black one. He slowly began to put on the tan trenchcoat, both Sam and Dean watched on apprehensively. Cas looked at them both with the trenchcoat on, then his whole body bolted upright, he began shaking uncontrollably. Sam shot out from his seat and rushed over to help Dean.

"Cas? Cas can you hear us?" Dean shouted. Suddenly a beam of light shone around Cas and he opened his eyes, they were glowing too. Then it stopped and he fell to the ground.

"Cas" they said in unison. Before they got to the ground he slowly began to stand up, the boys stood back, behind Cas was his wings. Both watched on in awe.

"Sam, Dean" Cas said.

"God, you're such a drama queen" Dean laughed and pulled them both into a hug.

"I remember" Cas whispered. A tear fell from each of their eyes, they were finally back together again and this time they weren't going to lose anyone.

"I told you black wasn't your colour"


Well that's the end. Hope you enjoyed it :). Vote, comment and follow. 

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