Part 9

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(A/N) Sorry I haven't updated in  a while, I'm going to try and update every couple of days now I've finished school.

It was easier said than done, but Dean had hope. He had seen the spark of recognition in Cas' eyes as he had painted his signature smirk onto his face. He knew deep down somewhere hidden in his mind, he remembered them. It was just a matter of time.

   Minutes turned into hours as they sat around the table trying to figure out what was taking the girls. Dean was becoming restless, research wasn't really his thing and the constant tap of his brother's fingers on the laptop keyboard and the soft scraping sound of Cas turning the pages of the mythology book was  starting to drive him insane. He was about to get up but was stopped when Sam exclaimed "ok I think i got something" All heads turned to Sam as he began to explain "Theres been another body. A young girl mangled and left for dead in the woods and get this, there was a witness who filmed the whole thing" A smug grin came creeping onto his face. Dean gave a smirk of his own as he stood up stretching his stiff limbs

"well, what are we waiting for?" Dean asked. They were about to leave as Cas began pulling on his black trenchcoat. Dean chuckled as he watched the scene before him.

"what?" the angel asked confused. Confusion seemed to be a permeant expression for the angel who often seemed so innocent.

"Nothing" Dean said still chuckling "black just isn't your colour" and with that he walked out the door and went towards his baby as Sam followed smiling and shaking his head. They all climbed into the Impala.

"Hey Dean, is this one of your tapes?" Cas handed the tape that was on the floor laying in front of his faded black shoes. He handed it to Dean who looked at it and thought back to the night when he was trying to find Cas.

"Yea I don't know how that got down there" Dean said and then placed the tape in the cassette player. They drove to another witness' house and knocked on the door. A middle aged man opened the door as they all got their ID's out.

"Hello we're agents Kurt and Osborne-" Dean looked over to Cas whose badge was upside down,   a small smile came across Dean's face as he remembered when this happened before.

"and I'm agent Beyonce, can we come inside please?" Cas finished. The middle aged man looked at the three of them suspiciously and allowed them in.

"So" Sam began " we're here because you caught a crime on camera and we would like to see the footage please" the witness nodded and got his camera out played the footage. Sam and Dean looked at each other and then at Cas.

"Can you make us a copy please?" Dean asked

"Sure, I'll only be a couple of minutes" he walked away and left them three alone in the room. 

"what the hell was that thing?" Dean asked

"I don't know but it was fast" Sam replied. The witness returned with a copy of the footage.

"Thank you" Cas said to the witness and with that they left and drove back to the motel to study the footage.

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