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So as I said on the last chapter Isak and Nora will present themselves. Maybe I get one of them explaining the story. I don't really know if Isak will want, he is a really good writer though.

I find really difficult presenting myself so I asked my mom help for this, she said that I am beautifull... Forget about it, I gess I'll have to present myself. My name is Nora, a 17 year old girl. People will say I am a "typical" teenager girl, only those who don't know who I am will say that.

I am a really shy person (that's why I asked my mom to do this for me) but once you know me I turn extremelly extroverted. I am the kind of person who gets blushed when talking to a cute guy but sings and dances "Fun" from Troye sivan while naked in the shower or puts the wireless headset on and starts dancing while studying Mental Abuse To Humans also known as MATH and shouting "SO WE STAY IN THIS MESS, THIS BEAUTIFUL MESS" (Kristian Kostov <3)

I went to live to Erith right at the end of summer, new school new life I said to me, we left Spain because of the economic crysis of 2008 that left my dad unemployed and my mom had to move to London, she delayed that decision for a long time but my dad had a car accident and we decided to move. He went completely unhurt but we all got really scared. In my dad words "I could have died, It made me revalue my life decisions"

But who am I? Well, most of my life is pretty boring, as most of the girls my age I spend most of my time at the internet, however unlike most of the girls I enjoy playing videogames (yeah, that is sexist but lets be real, do you want me to do a survey to see how many girls play videogames?)

So I really enjoy videogames but that is like the dark side of me, I have an obsesion with some musicians and bad puns, I get I should be punished for that (sorry for such a bad pun). Most of my life is simple, I get up early in the morning, shower and go to school, I then study and go home, sleep, write, sleep, study, sleep, sleep, and repeat. I never really felt comfortable at home but since my mom is constantly working and my dad is constantly looking for a damn job or sleeping I kinda live alone. 

There is not much to be said. For the week I lived in Erith I made 0 friends, I just played videogames, listened to TRXYE and slept, have I told you that I like sleeping?

Paul welcomed you to his life and Isak didn't (he has always been such a cold guy, he is really sweet if you break the wall of ice tho) so I am going to welcome you to this story.

Welcome to the weirdest story on earth.

This chapter is dedicated to Clara, yeah, Clara, there is a real Clara although our relationship is different than Paul and Clara 2.0 (the clara from the book), I am dedicating this to her because who gave me the name of Nora was Lorenz and he already has a chapter so I went for Clara who sent me a poem book she was writing and made me come back to writing. If it wasn't for her, Isak, Paul, Nora and Mr. Gómez wouldn't be alive.

Thank you Clara :D

Oh and if you haven't listened to it I present you Fun, from Troye Sivan, the favourite song for Nora and one of my favourites songs also, you also have the link of the song I mentioned "So we stay in this mess, This beautiful mess tonight"

Troye Sivan's Fun:
Kristian Kostov's Beautiful Mess:

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