A hard morning in the road

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The first week of school was really easy-going, I made a few friends and when people (I don't know where they got that information from) got to know that my parents were gay approached me more. They were curious and I felt it happening again.

Having gay parents is not easy (don't look at  me wrong, there are more difficult things but...), most of the time people talk to you because they want to know what is it like when someone's parents arw both male. Also there is this weird thing on people saying That if your parents are gay, you are gay, like ¿what the fuck is that argument?

Whatever, on the first people of school I started making friends but I wasn't feeling ok, as I made new friends, Paul and Nora slowly stopped talking to me, I was making friends out of the circle so I was leaving them behind.

On the third week of school everything went to shit. I was walking to school when I saw Paul's bicycle in the middle of the road. The front wheel was completely crushed and there was blood in the bike. I stopped and looked at the bike. There were no signs of where Paul was, his backpack was on the floor, broken and his phone was wrecked on the floor. However I still could hear «Better off dead» coming out of his phone speakers.

I took my phone out and thought for the worse, I called 911 and told them the situation. Apparently someone had already called. I called one of my dads and then called the school. I was not going to school. I was going to watch for Paul. I then opened google maps and looked for the closest hospital, then started walking.

I don't know how much time it took. It surely didn't took long but once I started walking I had a mental breakdown. If I hadn't left Paul and Nora alone, maybe Paul would have walked with me that morning and nothing would have happened. I sat on the middle of the road. Took out my headset and started crying. But there was a second cry. I stopped and listened.

Right behind me, 7 metres away from the bike I found him. With blood on his face and not able to move. He saw my face and started crying.

This chapter is dedicated to a really good friend of mine, I can't say his name because he wouldnt be happy if I did so, I can say that I called him Donut. He is a really good friend of mine and always helps me when I have a problem with someone I like or whatever kind of problem I have.

So thank you RENDered Donut, thanks for everything :D

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