On the LGTBQ+ community there is a low community of bisexual people, although they are in the main name, reading a book of a bi girl/guy is difficult so this is it. The story of Paul, a 17 year old guy who likes playing games and is currently looki...
That day, that terrible day. In less than two weeks I really started to get along with Paul, he was a really cute shy boy who loved doing really random things. That morning on my way to school I felt weird.
I am not a religious person but I think that when two people meet and really get along you can notice if anything happens. I think that is what happened to me with Paul and when Mr. Gómez told me about Paul nor Isak coming to school that day I felt my heart crushing.
I really didn't care about Isak, he left us as soon as the year started but Paul, I started crying. The morning was a disaster, I was completely alone and Isak friends didn't care about him at all. (Seriously his friends were shit).
Eventually a really tall girl came up to me and asked me if I knew what happened to Isak: - No, I don't know what happened but I don't know why I think Isak and Paul are in trouble -I answered - Ermm... Nora...-She started - WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME? - My name is Giselle, I am in your math class. However since you are always with Paul I guess you didn't notice. Fucking heterosexual couples. -she said - WHAT? PAUL AND I? - You are screaming - We are not together... and wait, you aren't heterosexual? - I am lesbian, Nora- she said. I then interrupted her and hugged her. - What happened to Isak, Giselle -I asked her while hugging her - What class you have now? - Math, why? - Can you not go? - Yeah
And so we left school as I followed her. She didn't said anything. She didn't tell me where we were going until we got there. She took me to the hospital where Paul was.
The problem is that when we arrived we had to wait outside the operations room with little to no information.
I don't know how long it took. Three? Maybe four? Maybe 8 hours? I only noticed when I received a call from my mom asking me where I was and why wasn't I waiting for her at school to be picked up. At the beginning at the waiting room it was just Giselle, me and a cop, once school ended I was shocked.
Twitter had done it's thing. Local news had heard the new and went to the hospital. With the local news appearing the LGTB group from the school also appeared. But not only them. Lawyers appeared eventually and the cop had to call reinforcements. Then it was my parents turn who came with a girl that was really close to Giselle. They probably were together.
The hashtag #NoToBiGression got global. However it was all the same. The same wait. The same feelings and the same freezing temperature of a hospital. Eventually my phone run out of battery.
It was then when I started looking around, there were people from everywhere but I missed one person. And so did Giselle. There were no signs of Isak.
Who was there was one of Isak's dads who approached me eventually. - Did you know him? -He asked - I know him, use the present tense, he is alive! -I answered back - Hey, my name is Tyler, I am Isak's dad, Nora. Can you come with me for a second? -He said - Where is Isak? - At the police station, he is being questioned - DID HE DID WHATEVER THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO PAUL? - I shouted, the entire room was dead silent, and the damn cameras were pointing at me- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO PAUL AND WHY NO ONE TELLS ME, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WEIRD HASHTAG ON TWITTER, WHY THE FUCK IS NATIONAL TV IN HERE. WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A FUCKING COP IN THE FUCKING DOOR, WHY THE FUCK...
That is all I remember, apparently someone sedated me...
I am sorry, I am sorry fordoingthatto Paul, I reallygotupsetforwritingthattoday. Itis 11:24 PM and I havejustfinishedwritingthischapter. I amreally sorry fordoingthatto Paul. For real
ThischapterisdedicatedtoJenieca, a girl I meton a 9gag groupon telegram. Shewastheonewhogave me the Idea forthename Tyler and Giselle. I decidedtopic Tyler becauseintheshow 13 reasonswhythereis a reallyhandsomecharactercalled Tyler. He is a creepbut he isreallycute (physicallytalking). And I picked Giselle outofthelistJeniecagaved me because... I don'treallyknow. Whatever;
ThanksJenieca:D Oh andthisisthe Tyler from 13 reasonswhy
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