Chapter Nine - Green Eyes & Freckles

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The remains of the girl are lying there, on the ground by Jason's feet. Aaron gives me the death stare, but if my memory serves me right... he is the one who just murdered a child!

"Jasmine, he's right. She would've killed me, she was crazy." Jason says, attempting to calm me.

"She was a child, she only wanted to go home! See her mother, or father or just somebody waiting at home for her to love." I shout.

She was only a child.

I put my bow and arrow that I had previously taken out, ready to take Aaron's life, back into my sheath.

I turn my back to Aaron for the second time today. I do the same to Jason. Although, I shouldn't be angry at him, however, he sided with Aaron when he just killed a small girl.

Now that all the water skins are full, we head back to the tree. The whole walk back is silent. IT's awkward.

"Excuse me?" A small voice comes from above us. It's another young girl, but she's not as young as the last one. "I have no food, no water. Please, help me."

The ginger girl climbs down the tree, her eyes are a bright green color and she is completely covered with freckles. She's approximately five foot, not too tall.

"Of course we can, we have plenty of water and I'm sure our friends back at our camp has some food left from this morning," I say, giving her a hug,

"Thank you, thank you so much," she replies, hugging me back extremely tightly.

Jason smiles at the girl and insists on carrying her to the camp, as she looks tired. Aaron and I do not speak at all.

When we arrive at the camp, Katherine and Lukas have made more food. Katherine has caught another rabbit with her knife and as usual, Lukas went out to find some berries and greens.

"Guys, this is our new friend," I point at the ginger new girl. "Her name is...?"

She looks confused before answering, "Elise."

Her voice was soft, calmingly soothing. It was the kind of voice you could listen to, and fall to sleep. Like, a mother's voice.

"Well, Elise, come sit with me and Lukas." Says Katherine, gesturing at Lukas. "I'm Katherine."

"Oh don't worry, I don't need introductions. I saw you all at the training center." The soft voice says.

Elise smiles at me and Katherine gives her a rabbit thigh. She tucks in immediately. She's acting like she's right at home already.

I climb up a few branches higher than everybody else. I count my arrows, there is still plenty but maybe the cornucopia could hold more. It could hold some food. Eleven tributes are dead, thirteen remain. That thirteen doesn't include the careers because we think they are all dead. Are there any more alliances out there in this arena? 

Once I've climbed back down, I suggest going to the cornucopia. 

"Jasmine, are you trying to get us killed?" Lukas asks, giggling.

"No, I just think that there might be supplies there, more water skins. Enough for one each? More arrows for me, spears for you," I point at Aaron. "Knives for Katherine, some little bags maybe for Lukas' gatherings, an actual sword for you Jason."

"Maybe, but it's highly unlikely they have all that stuff there. Even if they did, someone must've taken it at the beginning of the games." Elise says, "and what would I get?"

"Anything you wanted, if they have it of course," I reply with a smile.

Jason looks as if he is considering it, and so does Aaron. However, Katherine is completely up for it. 

"I think we should." Katherine speaks, "and if there are people already there, the five of us could take them. We're a strong team. Jasmine, with the range of your bow, you could stay behind the tree line and eliminate any potential threats to us."

I see where she is coming from. I could shoot any enemies off before the others notice they are coming.

"But what if someone else is in the tree line with a bow? I mean, when we walked past where we fought last night, there was no bow that we left for the girl." Aaron gives his input, "someone else could take Jasmine out."

"But they wouldn't see me?" I question him.

"And maybe you wouldn't see them either, they could pick us all off one by one and leave you alive because they won't have seen you." Says Jason.

Jason has a really good point. But it's worth the risk to get more supplies that could give us the upper hand on the other tributes.

What are we going to do?

"I agree with Jasmine. We should just do it." Lukas says, "what's the worst that could happen?"

"We could die?" Aaron laughs.

"And would that be that bad? Really? Considering you want to keep Jasmine alive anyways?" Katherine snidely replies. 

"Fine, we'll do it." Says Aaron, as he gets really embarrassed. He must really like me. 

"First thing tomorrow?" I suggest.

Jason and Katherine nod.

"I think it's a great idea," replies Elise.

Aaron just climbs higher into the tree without replying to me, and Jason follows. Boy talk perhaps?

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