Chapter Ten - Big Girls Toys

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Tomorrow comes, and at the first sight of sunlight, we eat breakfast. Some berries and vegetables. Nothing too bad with that... they're good for you. Then we begin our walk to the cornucopia. Lukas is really taking note of his surroundings because he would like to make sure he can get back to our tree. Although, we will more than likely make camp somewhere else.

The long walk seems to drag, Katherine and Elise are chatting about their homes (Elise is from The Cobbles, I'm not sure which District that is, I just know it's one of the lower numbered ones), Jason and Aaron are talking about God knows what just two meters ahead of me and Lukas. I'm silent. Lukas seem's to be so into the scenery, looking out for key trees and plants to make some sort of waypoint back to our tree, so I don't trouble him.

All I can think about is that poor young girl that Aaron dismembered less than twenty-four hours ago. I know that if he didn't act as quickly as he did, Jason may not be alive right now.

I guess I have him to thank, in a very strange way.

"Look's like we're here guys," says Jason.

A sigh of relief fills me when I see the cornucopia is deserted.

"Let's go then." Katherine pushes past us all.

Jason puts his arm out in front of her, and simply says, "wait."

She shrugs, showing signs of annoyance.

But something doesn't feel right here, I stand in front of Lukas and draw my bow and an arrow. I search behind us all, with my back to them. Elise stands by my side and does the same. Katherine gave her one of her knives.

"Someone's here," I say, and immediately the boys stand in front of me, Katherine grabs mine and Lukas' arms and drags us up a nearby tree.

With my bow still drawn, I pull it to my cheek ready to release it on an enemy.

"Jasmine, I don't think anybody is here..." Aaron says.

Shortly after he said that someone jumps from a branch above, onto mine knocking me off. I hit the ground with a thud, my blonde hair is all over my face, no longer in the braid I had put it in last night. I stand up, ignoring the pain that my ankle is feeling right now. I lost the arrow I had ready during the fall, so I reach over my shoulder to grab another.

I hear Katherine's scream, but I don't see her in the tree, Lukas is there and Elise is dangling from a branch.

"Elise, just drop. It'll be fine!!" I shout to her.

I look around for Aaron and Jason. I see Jason in the distance, the same direction that Katherine's scream came from. When I do find Aaron I find out he is in the tree, trying to help Elise back onto her branch.

"Aaron, no! You might also fall..." She cries.

"It's alright, you're gonna be okay." He replies to her, smiling.

She was on a branch just below me, she would be fine just dropping.

Katherine screams again, and instantly I run in that direction. Looking all around me for signs of more people. I hear a males grunt of pain, it could be Jason or that guy. My running gets faster, my heart begins to race.

"Jason!" I scream his name. All of a sudden my care for Katherine decreases. "Jason! Answer me!"

"Jasmine!" It's Jason's voice who calls me west.

"I'm coming!"

I reach Jason extremely quickly. He is fine, he isn't harmed but there is a largely built brunette guy crawling away on the ground.

"Where is Kat?" I ask him.

"She has gone after the other guy." He gestures the direction she went, and now I know he is safe, it's time to go and help her.

"Okay, stay here and finish this guy off. I'm going to help her," I say before I begin running towards her.

She is climbing a tree, with two knives in her belt. Higher up the tree is another largely built person. But it's a female with pitch black hair. I pull the bow and arrow to my cheek, aiming at her cheek I release the arrow with an inch miss.

"You need more practice sweety, really you shouldn't be playing with those big girl toys..." the girls laughs. She pulls the arrow out of the branch that it is lodged into and throws it back to me. "Try again!"

This angers me, I grab the arrow she gave me back, aim for her eye and let it fly. Unfortunately, the arrow doesn't hit her eye, but the girl does fall from the tree with an arrow lodged into her forehead.

"How's that for a big girls toy?" I giggle. "Katherine, are you okay?"

She smiles at me, and when she is out of the tree, she hugs me. "Thank you, Jasmine, I never expected you to come running to my aid."

"Don't be silly. I heard you scream back where Lukas and Elise are."

The girl's cannon can be heard, twelve tributes down. Another eleven to go.

"Are they okay?" Katherine questions me.

"When I left them, Lukas was fine, unharmed and Elise was dangling from the tree. But, Aaron was helping her get back up."

"Well that's stupid, they'll most likely both fall." Katherine giggles, "it would have been better for her to just drop."

"Well, I was thrown out the tree, quite literally." I laugh back.

We begin to walk back to where I had left Jason. We hadn't heard a cannon so the brunette boy might still be alive.

"Oh, I saw. That's when the boy came down to my branch and threw a punch at me. I knocked him out of the tree and he ran so I chased for a while, and then a girl threw her machete at me and him. It almost hit me." She explains, "Jason came from behind me and tackled the boy down and I chased the girl. She punched my leg, and then bit me."

"That must've been the scream I heard," I say.

"Yeah, I did scream. It all happened so fast, she started climbing a tree and I followed, that's when you arrived and arrowed her in the forehead," replies Katherine.

Another cannon is heard at the same time as we reach Jason. He pulls his machete out of the boy's chest.

"Another five to go." Says Katherine.

"What do you mean?" Asks Jason.

"Technically there's ten, but not including us, it's five," I reply.

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