Chapter Eleven - My Allies

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"Okay, so five more to go," Jason says, before beginning to walk back to Elise, Lukas, and Aaron.

Another cannon echoes throughout the arena and a scream just blurt from Katherine's mouth, "Lukas?"

"No, no, no!" I say, attempting to calm Katherine down but she is already running back to the others.

Jason and I follow just centimeters behind Kat, reaching the others in seconds.

Aaron's throat has been split, blood surrounds his body like a lake. I look to Lukas, only to find Elise has him locked in her grasp, with her arm around his neck.

"Anyone of you guys moves, I'll snap his neck." She says, extremely aggressively.

I've seen something like this before. I just can't picture where. Then it hits me. The 74th Annual Hunger Games (pre-capitol destruction). This is what happened just before Katniss and Peeta had won the games.

Luckily, Katherine and I are only centimeters away from one another. She has a knife ready in hand to save Lukas.

"Throw it into her hand, the one around his neck. Not too hard though as it might pierce Lukas' neck too..." I whisper.

Before I know it, and I think before Elise realizes Katherine had moved, a knife is lodged into her hand. Elise lets out a wild shriek before another knife lands right in her eye. She falls to the ground and a cannon is heard.

Katherine rushes over to Lukas to make sure he is unharmed. Nobody even talks about the loss of Aaron. We're all distraught about it.

"Jason?" I asked, hugging him.

"Yes, Jazzy?"

"Why did Katherine say there was five of us when there are six?"

"Because Elise never counted, I was going to remove her sooner but I thought she might've come in handy," Katherine says, her and Lukas both come to our side.

Lukas also throws his arms around Jason.

"I heard a cannon, and I thought you were dead." He says as a single tear falls from his eyes.

He's so sweet. Jason hugs me and Lukas back before taking a seat on the ground. Katherine and Lukas climb up a nearby tree however, I'm still standing.

"So, the cornucopia?" I insist.

Jason looks at me plainly, "still remember the plan?"

"Can we actually go over it, once more? You know, because we just lost two of our allies." I reply, giving him a warm smile.

Jason explains the new plan to me and calls Katherine and Lukas over so that he can explain it to them also. I am staying in a high tree, bow in hand ready to kill anybody who is threatening my brothers, or Kat's safety as they go to the cornucopia. Lukas, however, will be hiding in a bush near the tree line, in hopes nobody finds him. Altogether, there is eight tributes remaining. Six more have to be eliminated in order to get Jason home.

Katherine and Jason are ready to head out. Lukas is tucked away, in a bush not too far away from me (in case he is in need of my assistance). I have climbed, extremely high into a tree that's exactly on the tree line. I have a clear shot of the field surrounding the cornucopia.

Jason looks up at me and nods before he and Kat head out into the open. They're first few steps are slow before they run straight for the cornucopia and are inside it safely.

I hear a rustle in the bushes near where Lukas is, and his head pops out and he winks at me. I just simply smile back at him before gesturing with my hands to get back into the push.

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