Chapter 2: What Happened?

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Dr. Fillen

I strap my test subject to the table and confirm, "Are you sure I can do this?"

My test subject nods with a straight face. I walk over to my zapper and crank down the lever. The machine makes a whirl sound and then it shoots a laser at my subject. He screams and the straps burn off. I was testing to see if I could get brain waves on my machine. I found none.

I look at my subject and the laser rots his skin. I cringe and try to turn off the machine. I press 'Force Shutdown', and it shuts off. I look at my subject. His skin was rotted and spots on his clothes were burned off. I think the machine fried his brain too. I run out of the lab, and just before I run out the door I hear the subject say, "Brain."


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