Chapter 10: BACK TO SCHOOL!

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We all start heading out of town again. I think of Doctor Von Looser when he appears. In a helicopter. Above us. Didn't even notice his ugly ass rolling in here. He screams at us, "YOU ARE ALL-" He seems confused. Wait. Our new outfits.. Tricked him? Into thinking we're different people? Maybe..

He unloads himself off the ladder and looks at us. I put a freaked out look on my face and so do the others. He looks at my face closely. He thinks deep. He apologizes, explains everything, and then goes back into his helicopter! WHAT LUCKY DUCKS WE ARE! We all smile at each other and we all keep heading to another city (Again) .


What a lucky shot. We didn't get caught. That was so funny how Doctor Looser apologized. He literally said, "I... Am very sorry. I.. Thought you were someone else. Have you seen these people?" He held up an outdated picture of us. Nat said no for me. Lied like a dog. Wow.. Then he left. Awesome!! My dream girl can lie! When I can't.. Grr.. I'm confused. AND JEALOUS! Ugh Neil should have DIED! Maybe.. I can... Kill him in his sleep?

Maybe.. That would be awesome. Then Nat can cry on my shoulder. I'll be there for her. Yes. Maybe..


I suspiciously eye Aaron. He was snickering all evil-like.. What was he going to.. Oh my. He grabs my arm and squeezes it. He tickles my neck. I get freaked and and shove him off me. Nat giggles, "Aaron. Stop acting like you're possessed." She laughs. He stops and laughs too. Hunter jumps in and I'm left alone not laughing. Aaron was freaking me out...

Is he plotting something? Something.. Weird..? That will hurt- Oh. He's jealous! Of me! I knew he always had a crush on Nat. I can't blame him either! But I need her. And now she's mine. Not his. He needs to respect that.

Now I'm afraid to kiss her because if I do he might go ballistic or kill me in my sleep. But I think he already has plans for me. I know what that little devil is up to. And I'm going to be prepared.

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