Chapter 12: Zombies Gone

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Did Hunter just commit suicide? Did he die for us? Did he die? Is he dead? I have so many questions. I run to him. I can't heal him anymore. Now the effect is gone and I can't help him. I feel like an idiot.. A dumb ass. A fool... I place my head awkwardly on his chest. Silent as stone. No heart-beat. He is dead.

The others come after me.

"Is he dead?" Ian and West ask, kneeling beside me. I sniff and nod, getting up. He is dead. My best friend. The only one that understood me. The only one that meant no harm to me and cared for me. Dead.

The people that were zombies get up and shake their heads, unaware. They look at us. They return home. They ditched their knives.

Maybe I just need to relax. After all this happening, I don't get why I'm still standing. I think.. Maybe if I sat down for a while that I wouldn't cry. Right now, I feel like I'm going to either throw up, or cry my eyes out.


I rest my hand on Aaron's shoulder. I feel sad for him. His best friend just died. He deserves so much better. He deserves care, not.. Abuse. This way. I know he doesn't trust Ian. Now it's down to us. Ian, Aaron, and I. I think Ian might leave us later on. I just have to wait until that moment. However, a part of me feels like he is sort of like a dad to me. A dad I never had.

Maybe if he stays, I'll feel much better. Like I actually have a family. Which I don't. But it's good to feel like I do. It makes me more secure. When I actually knew what was going on.. I was surrounded by zombies. I knew English because I only went to school once to get all the information I need.

When I woke, I found I wasn't the only one to do so.

"Where are we going now?" I ask.

"To the lab. We can eat and rest there." Says Ian.

"I'm done with today.." Huffs Aaron. When we arrive at the lab, we rush in and sit down with our feet aching. We eat slowly. It's painful not to hark it down but I do it. I finally eat it all in time.

Later on when Ian rushes to the bathroom, I'm left with Aaron. Again.

"You can cry." I say, looking him in the eye. "I know I would have." Aaron shakes his head and takes a nap. Ian comes back and I put my index finger to my lips, as if to say, "Be quiet so you don't wake him." Ian nods and goes to the kitchen.

I go to the bathroom and look at my reflection. I have bags under my eyes. I go to the restroom while I'm in there. When I come out, I see Ian asleep as well. I sit in a beanbag chair and listen to their breathing. Ian's suddenly stops.

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