Chapter 4: Warped Feelings

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I sit down in the forest and look back at where everyone is sitting. I take the pocket knife with hot tears streaming down my face now, and almost cut into the skin, when I'm startled by foot steps.

"Nat. Don't do this. They're just trying to scare us. We agreed that we think that it's fake." Neil says kneeling in front of me, wiping my tears.

I shake my head and hold the pocket knife in my dirt caked hands.

Neil speaks up, "How will that deep cut heal if you take it out alone?" He sort of smirks.

I look up at the sky and groan, before saying, "I don't know..."

Neil gets up and sits next to me.

"How about you help us make a flash light? The fire flies are out..." Suggests Neil.

I shrug and smile a little, before saying, "Sure."

I see sparks light up in Neil's eyes. We both start leaning forward, when right before we kiss, Hunter butts in and says, "HEY! Wanna help make a fire?" We both shrug and follow him more into the forest.

When we get to the camp, everyone says in unison, "Nat, did you cut it out?"

I shake my head, then they all seemed relieved. We started up the fire, and warmed up. It was a cold night. I didn't see how the fire flies could survive this night. Or how WE could. I curl up into a ball and take a look at the scenery. It was cold, yes... But it was also beautiful.

I wanted this to end well... Like, We all coming out of this alive. There wasn't a city nearby, but we can survive. I pop into and idea that will break the boredom, "Guys. We're a gang right? Lets come up with a gang NAME."

The others nod in approval.

"How about Surf Dudes and Beach Bunnies?" Suggests typical Aaron.

"No....." We all say.

I think for a second. Trouble Makers? We cause trouble... "What about trouble makers. But like... with fancy letters."

I write it in the sand for the gang. They nod in approval. We decide to try to find a city. So we can at least find an ally. When we leave, what I wrote was still there. And what I wrote? 'TRøüßLê MäKêR§'

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