Chapter 13: Back Stabber

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I rub my neck and say, "Sorry guys. It was either go to school, or we split and... Never see one another again."

"Nat.." Neil says in disappointment.

We all stay silent. I cross my arms and look at the floor. Here comes the abuse.

"I'm happy your our leader. I think that was a good choice." He says. "Good job, Nat."

We both smile. Then Hunter says, "Wait a second. I don't want to go to school. Its retarded."

"I know, I know. But if we all want to stick together, we need to do this. Its important." I say.

Later on in the day, we go in the house given from Doctor Looser and we all go in our own little rooms. Someone though had to partner up with someone else because there was not enough rooms.

Neil offered to bunk with Mason, so that worked out well. I was in the room next to them, then Hunter, and then Aaron.

Getting together my new backpack, I put in all the supplies I needed. I didn't check out my room yet, and I was itching to get my hands back on my phone.

After loading my backpack, I step in my room, and gasp to see all the skater decorations. The walls where purple and the ceiling was black. Perfect. The others where saying theirs had cell phone stickers, and interweb decor, but mine... I wish I owned this house. I think if I followed my "mom" home, I would never see my gang again, and my room would be pink. Ew.

I jump on my bed making bed angles childishly. I then overhear Neil and Mason talking. Why can I hear so well?

"Yeah, I guess your right." Neil says.

What? I think.

"Well..?" Pushes Mason. "Whatcha gonna do?"

There was a long pause. I felt really bad in the stomach.

Neil takes a deep breath and says, "Leave the gang after school, and not bother to say bye."

"Good. Keep all your belongings in your locker then take them when we meet. Meet me behind the school after last bell." Mason says.

There was no explaining what Mason told Neil, but all I know right now, is: That Mason is trying to split me and my gang apart.

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