Chapter 8: The Nightmare

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Ian lunges at me with a knife, realy to kill me. I shoot him in the head. I drop the gun and Ian transforms into Aaron. He gets up and walks over to me.

"Congratulations." He pushes a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. What? I think. He lifts my shirt a bit and I smack his hand.

"Stop.." I mumble. He kisses me and I shove him back. He gives me a blank look. He presses me against the wall. I shove him.

"Please stop." I hiss. He steps towrds me and kisses my neck. I punch him in the gut.

I wake up.


West thrashes in her sleep. She opens her eyes, afraid.

"Want a hug?" I open my arms. Her mouth makes a frown. She turns from me and steps outside. Was it something I said?

I look and Hunter and he shrugs. I step outside and I don't spot her. I call her name. I wait, no answer. I call again. Where is she?


What's with West? She's been acting weird ever since Ian died. I doubt she loves him but I guess she likes him as a friend enough that she trusts him. I don't. He's a fucking bastard douche bag. I hate him. Aaron is looking for her.

He shouldn't be stressing over her. She'll come back. I hope. Maybe I'm over reacting. She is probably just climbing somewhere. She should be back later. I should tell Aaron. I step outside. I see him climbing the dome.

"Aaron, get down." I hiss.

"Make me." He hisses back, climbing higher. I scowl and go after him. I'm pretty fat, so while I climb, it's really hard. This is so dumb. I'm climbing after a crazy person.

He keeps climbing faster and faster. I go after him. He stands at the very top. I grab his ankle and he kicks me. I let go and slide off.

"Aaron! Let it go! It's just a girl! Stop acting obsessed!" I yell.

Tears erupt in hid eyes. "It's not just a girl! It's my last chance!"

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