First Day~Part 2: Who I was

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Amane's POV
"Are you alright?" Obi asked, as I continued trying to get further and further from Izana. I wanted to claw out his heart, right then and there. I won't allow anyone to speak about Shirayuki like that.

"Amane?" It was strange to hear Obi calling me without saying miss, but I whirled around to him. I noticed that we were outside; I wasn't paying attention as I stormed through the castle, and I had no idea where I was.

"I'm sorry, Obi." I said, dropping my head. I was so mad tears started to come to my eyes, I didn't want anyone seeing me cry.

"What are you apologizing for?" Obi asked. I looked up at him through my bangs to see him smiling happily.

"I wasn't paying attention and just walked. I don't know where we are." I said. The tears had started to stop.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was comforting and soft. "I know exactly where we are. Welcome to the castle forest, Miss Amane." Obi said, brightly, and I lifted up my head.

The trees formed a canopy over our heads providing some shade and standing in front of us was a stone seating area.

"Would you like to sit?"

"Don't I have to go meet with Zen and Mistuhide?" I asked. I was pretty sure that's what he said this morning.

"I can let them know you would like some time alone." he said. He had a very bright smile, one of the brightest I have ever seen.

"Thank you, Obi, but I think I should really go when I am asked. I don't like making excuses." I said, which was only slightly a lie. I make excuses most the time, I don't like it, but I do it.

"Okay. Just follow me, Miss Amane." Obi said as he turned around and started leading me out of the forest.

It was rather quiet. I loved the forest, it was always like a second home to me. The breeze, the trees, I loved it all. I would sometimes climb to the top of the trees with my friend Mihaya, and we would sit there for hours. We would watch the clouds, pointing out the shapes, we would talk about things happening in our life. I wouldn't have found Shirayuki without Mihaya, he had told me he found her in the mountains and 'taken her in', which I knew was code for 'kidnapped', but she had escaped. I laughed at how smart and strong my sister had gotten since the last time I had seen her.

"Miss Amane, what was it that made you so upset?" Obi broke me out of my thoughts.

"Prince Izana was speaking as if my sister was a problem. I mean, I know with Zen being a prince and everything it is kind of unnatural for him and Shirayuki to be together, but it's not a problem. You can't destroy or force love." Obi turned and looked at me, baffled. I knew why, my voice, even to myself, sounded flat and emotionless as I said the last sentence.

"Do you believe that?" he asked. Obi had no intention of moving any time soon, and I was okay with that. We were pretty close to where the forest opened into the castle, but we stood there facing each other.

"I do. It's the truth, isn't it?" I started to question myself. I started nervously picking at the bark of a tree.

"Well, it depends on the person. Some believe that, others believe that you can do anything you want when it comes to love."

"Are you one if those? You can do anything you want with love?" I asked. I hadn't looked at Obi this whole time, it just seemed kind of.....awkward to be talking about this stuff with him.

"I don't know what I believe honestly. Can I tell you something?" I could feel his eyes watching my every move.

I finally looked up at him and simply nodded.

"I don't stay in the same place for to long. I don't get attached to people. I always leave places and people behind. I didn't think I would be here for as long as I have been. It's very surprising that I'm still here. If it weren't for Zen, Kiki, Mistuhide, Shirayuki, and Ryuu I would've left. People can mean the world to you and alway be there, or they can leave you and let you fall. I used to be one of those people, and I don't want to go back." Obi, I noticed, loved who he was now. He was always smiling and happy because of who he is, not because of who he was.

"That helped a lot. Thank you, Obi." I said, smiling.

"I'm glad I could help." he said, placing his hand on the back if his neck and laughing.

I wanted to be twelve again, climbing the trees with Mihaya, asking him for advice. I had found advice in Obi, but Mihaya I told everything to, and I mean everything.

"Obi, is it alright if I climb the trees for a while?"

"Sure, I don't see why not. I do it all the time. Just don't get hurt." I had started climbing before Obi had finished talking. I was already half way up the tree when he noticed.

I looked down to him when I saw him start freaking out a little. "Calm down. I do this all the time at home." I say placing my foot on another branch and pulling myself up.

"You do this wearing a skirt and those boots!?" he yelled up. The tree wasn't to tall, but I was pretty high up.

"Well, not with a skirt and these boots, but I do this a lot! I'll be fi-" I stopped feeling my boot slip. I grabbed for a branch, but I couldn't grab on.

I closed my eyes, awaiting the impact of the ground, but I never felt it.

"I told you to be careful." Obi said. I opened my purple eyes to be met with his yellow/golden cat like ones.

"S-sorry." I stuttered, shaking a little.

1034 words!!!
Hey guys!! So, do y'all think she'll end up with Obi or Kaichi??
We may never know.....well, I know but I'm not telling you.
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