Shotgun Wedding!?

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Amane's POV
Obi and I sat quietly in the woods listening to the wind blow the leaves of the trees.

It was about noon when Obi said we should be heading back.

"Chief Garak wanted to do a check up exam on you." he explained.

Obi kneeled down in front of me, and I hopped back on his back.

When I had gotten myself situated Obi took off back to the castle.

He had started slowing down as we got closer to the castle, and eventually he was walking leisurely through the halls of the castle.

He walked into the pharmacy with me still on his back. Shirayuki was the first to spot us and thought something was wrong.

Obi quickly explained that I wanted to walk around the castle without my crutches, so he had given me a piggyback ride around for the day.

Once Shirayuki got Chief Garak Ryuu came in and asked if we would like something to drink, Obi took a water and I politely declined the offer.

Garak showed up a little while later with new bandages and ointment.

"How have you been today, Amane?" she asked as she pulled a chair up beside me. I had sat on the table Shirayuki had cleared off when Obi brought me in yesterday.

"I've been alright. No serious pain, though I am known to have a high pain tolerance." I said and smiled at the older blonde woman.

"Just take the pain pills I gave you when you need them, if you don't need them there's no sense in taking them." she said as she started unwrapping the old bandage from around my hand.

It was coated in crimson blood, and Chief Garak disposed of it quickly.

"For your hand I'm going to give you some bandages and some ointment, just to speed up the healing process. You must use it everyday though." she said as she dipped the new bandage in the liquid ointment and wrapped it around my hand.

Once she was done with my hand she undid my left boot and checked my ankle.

"It's still a little sprained, stay off of it for another week or two." she said rewrapping my ankle and went to my shoulder.

"Chief, there's someone who says they want to see you." Ryuu said as he stood in the doorway.

"I'll be there in a moment, let me finish up with Amane first."

Ryuu left and Obi, for some reason, followed him out the door.

Since my dress had tiny straps it was easier for Garak to check my shoulder.

Garak took my sling off and slid my sweater sleeve off my arm carefully.

"Shirayuki said you had dislocated your shoulder and might have pulled something. Don't worry I popped your shoulder back into place, but it seems you did pull something. So, you'll be in a sling for at least three weeks to a month."

I sighed frustratedly.

"That's all for me to look at. I'll see you back in about a week or so. Don't go trying to climb any trees." Garak warned as she pulled my sweater sleeve back up on my arm and put it back in the sling.

"Thank you, Chief Garak." I said before standing up.

"Be careful with that ankle, don't strain it to much." she added before she walked out the door.

I walked to the door and opened it to see Obi with Zen, Kiki, Mistuhide, and Shirayuki.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be walking." Mistuhide said as he looked at my wrapped ankle.

"Garak didn't seem to have a problem with it. It's just a little sprain anyway, I'll be fine. I have a high pain tolerance anyway." I said as I walked completely out the room, closing the door behind me.

"Just don't hurt yourself more." Shirayuki added, concern lacing her voice. "Oh, I have to get back to work. I'll see you all later."

Shirayuki took off into the pharmacy to get back to work. She must've been on break for a while.

"What are you all doing here anyway?" I asked as I looked to Zen. He seemed nervous and anxious.

"I have to ask you something." Zen said. His voice sounded strained.

"What is it?"

"Uhm....Can we go talk....alone?" he looked to the people around us. They smiled at him and walked away.

Zen grabbed my forearm leading me into the courtyard. We sat down in the grass.

"What is so important that we have to talk alone, Zen?" I asked with a little grin in my face. I had a good feeling about where this is going.

"I know that Shirayuki hasn't known her sister for long, and I also haven't known you for long. But you are her sister, so I thought it would be good to ask you before I did anything." Zen fidgeted with his fingers nervously.

"Zen, are you asking me if you can marry Shirayuki?" I asked, placing my hand on top of his reassuringly.

He blushed slightly but nodded his head. My smile grew.

"Of course you can marry her." I almost shouted. "Zen, I know she's happy with you, and that you're happy with her. You didn't have to ask me but you did. I respect you for that."

"I just thought you would be mad if I asked her and didn't find out until we had a ball to announce it."

"The only time I would be mad about it is if she was pregnant and you were having a shotgun wedding." I said laughing. Zen however didn't find it very funny and I got serious. "Wait, it's not a shotgun wedding is it? Is it!?" (If you don't know a shotgun wedding is it's when the couple gets married quickly mostly due to the bride being pregnant)

"No!" Zen shouted blushing even more.

Amane knew that Zen and Shirayuki hadn't even slept in the same bed, well except for one time. Obi had told her about it while they were in the woods today. Zen and Shirayuki had fallen asleep on the couch in Zen's room and Mistuhide and Obi moved them onto the bed. Obi said that Zen woke up and fell out of bed.

"I'm just messing with you, Zen. I know you wouldn't do that." Amane said. "But, I really am happy for you and Shirayuki."

I stood up, and Zen added quickly, "Don't tell anyone."

"I won't ." I said, waving to him as I was walking back into the castle to spend the rest of the day doing nothing.

I'm glad Zen and Shirayuki are together. I hope one day I'll find someone like her.

??? POV
I watched the familiar silver/blonde haired girl hobble down the hall.

"It's nice to see you again, Violet."

1137 words!!
So, how was the chapter? And who is this mysterious guy calling Amane Violet?

See y'all next time

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