The Queen

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Amane's POV
After what happened with Kaichi everyone from Clarines went back. I rode with Obi while Izana, Zen, and Shirayuki were in the carriage.

Kiki, Mistuhide, Mihaya, Obi, and I talked about random things and laughed on our way to a hotel. We would be staying there for the night and leaving early in the morning.

Shirayuki, Kiki, and I shared a room, and the guys broke into groups. Izana, Zen, and Mistuhide, and then Obi and Mihaya.

"So, today was very...eventful." Kiki said as we settled into our room.

"Very." I said letting out a sigh.

"I'm just glad we got you back." Shirayuki said, she quickly hugged me, Surprisingly, Kiki joined in.

"Well, seems you three are settling in just fine together." Zen said.

All the guys were standing in the doorway.

"It's great to be back with you guys." I told Shirayuki. I released Shirayuki and Kiki and gave Mihaya and Mistuhide a hug. Obi was the one to hug me first and Zen was the one to join in to ruin the moment, but everyone, except for Izana, joined in the hug.

"Thank you, Obi." I whispered to him.

He let out a simple chuckle, and we all released each other.

"Well, we just wanted to make sure you girls were settling in. We are getting up bright and early tomorrow, so you better get your sleep." Zen said as he turned to leave.

"Yes, sir." I said, mockingly.

"Goodnight girls." Obi cheered as he followed Zen out the door.

"Well, I guess we should play a game." I said as I closed the door behind the guys.

"A game?" Shirayuki questioned.

"Yeah, like truth or dare." I said.

"Are you sure you want to play that game this late at night?" Kiki asked. "We have to get up early."

"Plus, your not much of a morning person anyway, Amane." Shirayuki said, smiling.

"Fine," I breathed out. "I guess we'll just go to sleep."

"We can play truth or dare another time." Kiki said.

"I guess you're right." I muttered as I crawled into bed.

We said our goodnights to each other, and I quickly shifted away to darkness.

~Time skip~
I woke up with someone on top of me.

"Told you she wasn't going to wake up early." I heard Kiki say from the other side of the room.

My vision was a little blurred, but I could make out that Obi was the one sitting on top of me.

"What are you doing?" I questioned trying to turn away from him.

"Waking you up." he cheered.

"Well, you're crushing me. Can you get off?"

"Are you going to get up?" Obi asked.

"Yes, I'll get up." I groaned, frustrated. I really like my sleep.

Obi got off, and I rolled off the bed...literally. I thought the bed was a little wider, but I was wrong. I rolled right onto the floor.

"Ow." I moaned, groggily.

"Why are you rolling off the bed?" Obi asked, trying to hold back a laugh. He held a hand out for me to take.

"I thought it was wider." I said as I took his hand. "That's one way to wake up in the morning."

"Are you all right?" Shirayuki asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

"You have 10 minutes to get ready before we have to leave." Obi said as he left the room.

'Good thing I can change quickly.' I thought as I grabbed my clothes that Shirayuki had packed for me.

It was a Victorian style dress. It had a ruffled white shirt and a high waisted button skirt. I threw on some boots and met everyone else, yes, including Shirayuki and Kiki, they left me, outside.

"What's with the fancy clothing?" Obi asked.

"I don't know. Shirayuki brought it for me." I replied. The travel arrangements were the same as yesterday Shirayuki, Zen, and Izana in the carriage, and I rode with Obi.

Again Obi, Mihaya, Kiki, Mistuhide, and I laughed and talked about random things until we reached the gates into the castle of Clarines.

"Wow, we're here already." I said. It had seemed like such a short trip.

"Yep." Obi said.

As we were about to enter about three guards came up to the carriage, they exchanged some words with Zen and Izana and then turned to Obi and I.

"Amane, the queen requests to speak with you." a brown haired guard spoke up.

"The queen?" I was shocked. 'Why would the queen want to talk with me?'

The guards bowed, and we continued onto the castle grounds. But I couldn't stop thinking about why the queen would want to see me.

"Are you going to be okay, Amane?" Obi asked. His voice was low so no one else could hear him.

"I'm fine." I said, but I have a feeling it was a lie.

"If your fine then why are you trying to squeeze the life out of me?" I realized that I did have a very tight grip on Obi. I released it a little but buried my head in his back.

"Amane, what's wrong?" he asked. He took one hand off the reigns and placed it over my hands that were wrapped around him.

"Why would the queen want to see me? Have I done something wrong? Is she kicking me out of Clarines?"

"Amane, you haven't done anything. I'm sure it's just so she can get to know you."

The horses and carriage came to a stop.

"Amane, I will be showing you the way." Izana said as he stepped out of the carriage.

I hopped off Obi's horse and followed Izana.

"I'll see you later." Obi said, but I didn't reply.

Izana didn't speak, and I didn't mind that at all. I liked walking through the halls quietly, the only thing on our minds is our destination, though I didn't want to know why the queen wants to see me.

"Here we are." Izana said as he stood beside an opened door.

"Thank you." I said, quietly. I walked into the room.

"Hello, you must be Amane." a woman cheered brightly.

"Yes, are you the queen?" I was very nervous.

"I am. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasures all mine."

"Well, you are probably wondering why I wanted to speak with you."

"I am actually." Izana had come into the room, but he stayed against a wall behind me.

"Well, I would like you to be the wife of my oldest son, Izana."

1090 words!!
Guys what's going to happen?

Comment, vote, and give me a follow, and I'll see y'all next chapter.

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