Chapter One

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((A/N) Please listen to Somebody I Used to Know by Gotye, repeat if possible. Thanks)

It was the first day of school, Eren was so excited to go and meet his classmates. He first stopped by Armin's dorm, soon at Mikasa's.

Armin's POV

(Knock, knock*)

''One sec'' I said ''Oh hey Eren!'' I continued

''Hey Armin! You ready?'' He asked excitedly

''Yeah sure, let me just get my bag.'' I replied

Eren's POV

We were headed to Mikasa's dorm and I am excited that we get to meet our teachers and classmates for the first time.

''Armin, were here'' I said

Armin nodded knowing that this dorm was Mikasa's. I wen't to the door and knocked. I probably startled Mikasa because I suddenly knocked and I heard a loud thud inside.

''Eren!'' Mikasa said breathing heavily

''Oh I'm sorry Mikasa, did I startle you?'' I asked

''It's fine don't worry'' Mikasa replied

''Well, are you ready to go?'' I asked, my eyes widening and a smile crawled on my face.

''Yep all ready'' she replied, closing her door.

Annie's POV

It was first day of school and I knew it is going to bore me. So I listened to Panic! At The Disco and Gotye on the way, I rode the bus because it's an hour walk to school.

Once I got there I saw him... Jaeger.

He looked happy, made him look somewhat like an idiot though.

I wen't to my first class which was Science, Mr. Shadis as the teacher. And my day wouldn't be anymore annoying, Jaeger was here.

''Alright class, my name is Keith Shadis, but you can call me Sir or Mr. Shadis'' he said ''Introduce yourself'' he continued.

The class soon started introducing themselves one by one, soon it was Jaeger's turn. He said some weird things which made Jean make fun of him.

''So Jaeger, you're the weird one huh?'' He told mockingly

Eren heard what he said and replied "My name is Jean Kirshtein and I'm called Jean-boy and Horse-face 'cause I'm a baby that looks like a horse''

''GOT A PROBLEM WITH ME JAEGER?!'' Jean replied shouting as he stood


The class started giggling and laughing, and I noticed Mr. Shadis walking towards the two.

''OWW!'' Said Jean and Eren in a painful tone


''Y-yes sir...'' said the two in unison.

''*Sigh* Next'' said Mr. Shadis

It was my turn so I stood up and said my name and all, one thing surprised me, it was Jaeger. He was staring at me while I was talking, when I saw him he turned away and I saw a pink flush on his face.

''What're you looking at?'' I asked annoyed, crossed arms

''O-oh N-nothing..'' he stuttered.

''Good'' was all I could say

Eren's POV

-Why was she like that? Bored and angry all the time? I bet I can make her smile- Eren thought to himself.


''Oh the bell'' Mr. Shadis said ''It's break time'' he continued

''The first best part of my day'' I said looking at my Chee-Burg which was my favorite

As I was about to take a bite, it slipped off my chopsticks and onto the ground, I was supposed to pick it up but I heard two voices behind me saying ''No three second rule'' I turned around seeing Levi and Mikasa behind me.

''Oi Eren, clean up your mess'' Levi said in disgust

I picked up my Chee-Burg and wiped the floor and threw it on the bin.

''My break is ruined'' I pouted

Then I saw a Chee-Burg on the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see who's it from, then I saw her, Annie.

''Here, we'll share'' she said

''R-really?'' I asked in disbelief, happiness in my eyes

''Yeah sure'' She replied looking away

''Thanks Annie'' then I took a big bite before anything possibly happening to it. I blushed on how tasty it was and how great of Annie to give me some.

Annie's POV

-Sheesh, Jaeger is such a pig, look at him eat that Chee-Burg like it's his last- I thought to myself in disgust

''What's wrong Annie?'' I heard as I snap back in reality

''None of your business Jaeger'' I replied coldly

''O-oh sorry Annie'' He said looking down

''Well I gotta go to my next class, thanks again!'' I heard him say before heading out


Hey Guys, sorry if I hadn't updated my other book Love In Secrecy, it was because I wanted to write this. But yeah anyways, I'll update this tomorrow, and if possible Love In Secrecy too, Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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