Chapter Seven

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A/N This chapter will be special because 2 new characters will be added: Ryad Ramirez "Jackal" Al-Hassar and Elena "Mira" Maria Alvarez from Rainbow Six Siege, they're introduced into this story in this chapter. Reference for others are in the photo

Eren and the other's finished the last year of college and now working, Sasha and Connie worked as chefs. Levi and Hanji owns two hotels, Bertholdt and Ymir owns a restaurant. Reiner works as a Basketball player with Christa by his side.

Eren now owns a condominium, hotel and a restaurant. He keeps them up with his fiancee Annie. Since Armin is Eren's best friend, he works as a manager at the hotel. Mikasa as the supervisor at the condominium and Annie as the head at their restaurant.

Eren's POV

It's been months since the graduation, he and Annie have been living together for almost a year now. Today is their anniversary, Eren has a plan in mind.

''Hey Annie?'' I said ''I'm going out later!'' I continued

''Ok, but be home before 7!'' She shouted from the bathroom

So then Eren went out to their restaurant, He swiped through his phone and find his friends' numbers and called:

''Hey guys, head over to our restaurant. My treat''


Everyone was here, but Annie doesn't know that I've gathered everyone for a HUGE R&R.
(Rest and Recreation)

I scrolled through my contacts and found Annie's number. I gave her a call and told her to head over to the restaurant and that I have a surprise for her.

Annie's POV

Eren just called me for something at the restaurant, I'm thinking of all the posibilities that he saw. Lousy cooks, raw food or whatever. So I rushed over to see what's up. When I got there I was surprised, I saw everyone again, Reiner, Bertholdt, Mikasa, Armin and the others.


Awhile ago we had a party for our friends, to my surprise Sasha didn't eat alot. I thought that she'd eat all the food that was prepared, after that we went to the hotel and checked in, since WE own the place we got everyone a room. Me and Eren shared, our neighbor Mikasa and Armin, the others were on the upper and lower floors in their own rooms. When suddenly


Me and Eren were startled, there was and explosion. It emitted from outside

The sight outside was really scaring us, bodies everywhere, buildings broken down. People in white masks, who seemed to be fighting the one who are approaching us.

''Please, go back inside and stay until these white masks are dealt with'' A man with an extendable shield said

We ran back inside and hid in the storage. Then two of those who fought the white masks entered. They both barricaded the walls that can be broken down, but the other placed a mirror.

''THAT WOULDN'T WORK!'' I heard someone yell

She looked around, to find who said it. Finally she saw who said it and held them near the mirror. Then some of the white masks entered the kitchen.

''Whoa, didn't they see us?'' A person asked

She nodded a 'yes'

''We'll be safe for awhile'' the man said

''Who are you exactly?'' Armin asked

The two looked at each other for a brief moment and finally one decided to speak up.

''My name is Ryad Ramirez Al-Hassar, codenamed "Jackal"'' said the man ''That's Elena Maria Alvarez codenamed "Mira"''

''What's that behind you?'' Marco asked

''It's a special mirror I designed, "Black Mirror" Dark on the other side, transparent on the other. If this canister breaks, the glass slides down and opens a hole'' Elena said

''What's that on your head?'' I asked

''Oh this? It's nothing special'' Jackal replied

''Then why are you using it?'' I asked again

''It helps us, really'' he replied ''But it is useful'' he continued

''That is the Eyenox Model III'' Mira stated ''It scans footprints to discover where the white masks are'' she continued

Then Jackal touched his ear, something attached to it, he spoke some words and readied his rifle. He looked at Mira, she nodded and went out. Jackal approached me and handed me a gun.

''This is a USP40, take these with you'' He handed me the gun and a few magazines ''Press this to remove the mag inside, then pull this back then the gun is ready to use. Aim and pull the trigger'' he said then left

He then barricaded the door, I stood up, holding the gun. I headed over to the "Black Mirror" that Mira had placed earlier. I saw them both shooting at the white masks. Then a few others had joined, one was the person with the shield earlier.

''Now what?'' Asked Mikasa

''We wait'' Annie said

I saw someone get shot, then I saw a person that looked like a doctor, shot once then the person that was shot stood up. I opened the barricade and signalled Jackal to go back and barricade it again. He proceeded to do so.


30 minutes later...

Annie's POV

The shooting and explosions had stopped, I sure hope that Eren's alright and in one piece. Then I saw him come back, covered in blood. Then I heard Jackal speak up.

''Eren, you have a nice aim. You have a shot at the Team, Six is looking for new operators'' he said

I saw Eren's lips move, pointing over in my general direction. Jackal nodded and Eren went over to me.

''Annie.. Ryad is asking me to join their team.. Should I..'' then I felt my lips crashing on something soft, It was Annie's lips

''You can, just return to me alive and in one piece'' she said

Eren nodded and headed over to Jackal and the rest. He joined them inside the Osprey, headed over at the HQ.

At the headquarters

Ryad's POV

Eren just joined Team Rainbow and was assigned to my squad, G.E.O. (Grupo Especial de Operaciones) , along with Mira. Eren then went up to me.

''Hey, Ryad. Guess what?'' He said

''Hmm?'' Was all I could reply

''I'm accepted'' he said

I shook his hands and Mira gave him a hug and welcomed him. I lead him to our quarters which is surprisingly clean.

''Levi's Magic'' he muttered

I pointed to his bed, which had a plate on top of the head saying:

Eren Jaeger

He then approached me

''Ryad, can I recommend you my friend Mark?'' He asked

''Hmm? Why?'' I asked

''He possessess the ability of your Eyenox Model III'' he said

''Oh really?'' I asked, tilting my head

''Yeah, we used it once to rescue someone'' he stated

''Well, I'll ask Six about this'' I told

A/N Hey guys! RevelationsMC here, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll be gone for tomorrow, I'll be back this coming Saturday. But I'll be working on Chapter Eight tomorrow. Thanks for reading :)

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