Chapter Thirteen

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Eren's POV

The feeling grew stronger as we return from the mission, the ''blur'' as they called it, was real. Red lightning trailed as it ran in circles around us, then suddenly it attacked every single member of our team. Ryad, Elena, Me, Mark and everyone else. Gladly no one was harmed pretty bad except me. When we got back to homebase, they immediately brought me to the infirmary where I underwent x-ray to check the cracked ribs, to our surprise they're already healed. The doctors didn't believe it that they did it again and got the same results.

As I was discharged from the infirmary and was allowed to return home, I ran as fast as my legs could. I yelled Annie repeatedly, searched every room in the house. To my surprise, I don't know why I'm surprised, but the house was still empty. Emptiness filled me again and I started to cry.

''Annie'' I manage to mutter while crying

''You can get her back you know'' I turn to see Barry looking at me

''I did it once to save my mom, but it was a bad idea so I..'' he trails off

''You what?'' I asked, waiting for a response

''Nevermind that. But if you run fast and think of the moment, you can save her and get your life back'' he says

''I can't control it properly, I have no eye wind resistance'' I reply

''Let me help you'' Barry says

''Alright, let's do this''

Barry and Eren ran and ran throughout the entire city, then Eren sees an after image of himself on his right. Then remembering the same thing that happened. Then suddenly, Eren was in the time stream. He remembers what Barry had said so he thought of the moment before Annie was shot.

I'm here to finish what Damien started

Eren pauses time and tries to find the sniper.

He finds the sniper in a building opposite of where the ceremony was held, he sees that the sniper has a perfect view of Annie and him. He has this one chance to save Annie and he takes it. He unpauses time and attacks the sniper.

''WHY? WHY DID YOU TARGET HER?!'' Eren yells

''I-I was hired by Carla, she says that she wants you and no one else'' the sniper states

''Where is she? I'll be glad to meet her personally'' Eren asks

''She's in an abandoned house outside of Shiganshina, somewhere near Wall Rose'' the sniper answers

Eren then knocks out the sniper and takes him to Homebase.

''Take care of him for me'' he says

''Yes boss'' a recruit says

He returns to the church like nothing happened

''Eren, where have you been?'' Annie asks

''I had something to deal with'' He answers

''Are you ready for our honeymoon?'' She asks

''Sure, let me just do something so that we won't be bothered with'' He says

''I'll wait at the hotel'' she winks

He then heads out of town to confront Carla. He finds the building that the sniper describes. But before entering, he called Ryad to assemble a small team for back up.

''Back up arrives in a few minutes''

''Thanks Ryad'' Eren says

''No problem''

He then enters the building, like a maze, he almost got lost. Then he finds a room where Carla was sitted on a chair.

She stood up

''You made it'' she says ''Welcome Eren, my one true love'' she continues

''Who are you? Why'd you target Annie?'' Eren asks, trying not to cringe

''I wanted to have you for my own'' she calmly answers

''Not in that way, it makes me hate you more'' Eren retorts

''Then what do I have to do to have you for myself'' she asks

''Nothing, just stop this. I don't like you, Annie is mine, and I'm hers. That's that'' Eren says nonchalantly

This infuriates Carla.

''If I can't have you, no one can!''

She pulls out a handgun. She loads it and points it towards Eren's chest.

She fires.

It hits the desired target, the lung.

Now bleeding on the ground, Eren finds it hard to breathe. He then hears a trigger go off, and an explosion follow suit.

His ears ring. He hears faint gunfire, flashes and shouting. He then sees Carla escape, but he couldn't pull up his gun to shoot her.

He then sees Ryad check the gun wound, but the audio was inaudible and his vision was blurry. He sees white, but a bit too bright to see anything. He hears voices, his teams' and the doctor's voices.

''We need him alive!'' Shouted Ryad

''Stand down Ryad'' ordered Six

''He's flat lining!''

Who's making all that ruckus? Why is it so noisy? As if I'm shot or anything, right? Eren asks himself before blacking out.


Eren passed out due to blood loss, he's expecting to wake up to find Annie beside him. But, a pearly dream struck his mind, he sees his house, their two cars, Annie standing beside two kids. But then, a flash of red light struck Annie and the kids, suddenly the house was in ruins, Annie and the kids were nowhere to be found. Then he sees the blur again, this time a bit clearer. He sees the color yellow, the face a bit clearer. But the vibration not making it more easier for him.


He hears the doctor shout.


He hears again, then the noise faded. He wakes up days later, where he sees Ryad, Elena and Mark sitted while reading books. Ryad was first to notice, then Elena and lastly Mark.

''Eren, you're finally awake!'' Shouted Elena

''Glad to have you back'' said Ryad

''You scared me back there Eren'' said Mark

''Thanks guys'' Eren replied

''Eren, we've got good news for you'' Ryad said ''One: the bullet disappeared and Two: You're being discharged as we speak'' he continued

''And Annie?'' I asked

''She's safe'' Mark answered

''I gotta go, she's probably waiting for me'' I say as I stood up


CLIFFHANGER! Finally, getting the updates back. Sorry for not updating in a while. Been busy with school and yeah.. Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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