Outlet 15

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Dream Big

It's not about what you dream; It's about how you will make those dreams come true! Living in a world where nothing is impossible gives me the drive I need to succeed. Dreaming big and never settling is how my life is set up - I give and people take way more then is expected - I'm never stopping to slow down. There's too many haters and never enough motivators.

I'm just as smart as the next. I didn't flex to get the things I have, I strived for greatness and greater came. I'm taking all these big dreams and making my story page by page, chapter after chapter and when it's to the very last page I'll move to a new cover and create many more books. You don't have to read what my dreams are about, ill show you through all my accomplishments and not once will you be disappointed. I'll go as far as I need to in my world I created — its full of big dreams that I know one day I will complete —

Dream big is what I tell anyone who has ambition I'm not an over achiever, I'm a believer in the power of ones self. Eveytime I close my mind and open up my eyes I become more in tune to my dreams. I've given blood to my enemies, tears to my doubters and hope to those who believed in me. Dreaming big is what keeps me alive its that one dream that made me who I'd never thought of being.

If I could take any time out to show the world me I don't think they'd understand what it took to get me here or if I just keep on dreaming actions will never be as great as my achievements. I'm taking down the walls of concrete. I'm building lands now . My empire isn't like anyone's I know but it's just as reachable as the dreams I've yet to even envision. No one ever told me to dream big, I've closed up what I thought wasn't good enough and missed out on what was.

Dreaming... I'm dreaming of a lifetime of happy endings.

I'm closing one eye at a time so each minute I encounter will make up for a lifetime of lost causes. Take time out and close your eyes, open up your mind to those dreams you think aren't obtainable and seek to make them stainable; never let anyone tell you to stop dreaming believe in who you are and not who you want to become !

Today is just as important as yesterday's dreams I insure you dream, dream big and build an empire and not just a home start now tomorrow will be to late.

Ready go dream, and remember, Dream big!

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