What Beans They Are

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Ry: I've never been so soaked in my life.

Blobo: You swim, idiot. You submerge yourself in water.

Ry: Shut the fuck up Brendon I'm getting done with your shit

Frnk: HA

Ry: I meant I've never been so soaked in a suit.

Mikey: Josh and Tyler were way to happy about being married in the rain

Cats: You'll never understand kinky long legged idiot

Mikey: I love being on this chat

Frnk: Can you hear that Gerard? Can you hear the sobs coming from his room?

Gewawd: Poor Mikey

Sarah: Jesus guys stop bullying Mikey

Frnk: But its funnnnnn

Ibassedyourmum: So is it fun when I tease you about your people and Brendon calls you a kinky mutt

Air: We are not having a anti bullying moment are we

Frnk: I have no comment

Tyler: Toasted.

Cats: Roasted Tyler it's roasted.

Tyler: Burnt.

Cats: stop

Tyler: Fire.

Cats: Please

Tyler: Ashes.

Cats: Honey

Tyler: Dirt.

Breezy: You done?

Tyler: Yes

Pickle: Tyler is such a nerdy bean

Blobo: When he tries to be cool but he comes off as a nerd

Tyler: Don't test me I'm a sassy bitch

Blobo: So am I honey

Keeeeeeeennnny: Have a sass off

Tyler: Not right now I'm to tired

Pickle: We all know why he's so tired ayyyyy💦

Jenna: We played twister until 3 am


Cats: My siblings and his were all playing too

Ibassedyourmum: On.... your wedding night...

Ry: I hate these two.

Air: Even I'm questioning them

Tyler: Twister is fun!

Blobo: Make it interesting did you two play twister naked after they all left

Cats: No?

Tyler: We went home and went to sleep like normal human beings

Frnk: "normal human beings"

Frnk: Normal human beings have private time after they get married

Cats: We do what we want when we want

Pickle: That was a lot of w

Mikey: See not everyone on this chat is openly talking about sex

Sarah: What beans they are

Frnk: That's true

Cats: Remember when no one could find Tyler and I for 40 minutes?

Pickle: Whoop there it is

Breezy: God damn it

Tyler: We were trying to find the the cat for 20 minutes

Air: Oh

Cats: Then we fucked

Sarah: I was proud of you two not saying anything then Josh did and I want to strangle you 

Pickle: Does that mean you always want to strangle Brendon

Sarah: He's actually not always talking about that when we're alone he's respectful

Blobo: Remember when you spray painted that thing about Zack

Sarah: We aren't talking about this

Frnk: #AdultLife
I've been watching parks and rec for 5 days straight because there is nothing better to do. I've seen most of these episodes 3 times now. Help.

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