The Beginning

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I hope you will enjoy another story of my Sweeney Todd X reader!

Also, I'm writing two stories at a time 😅 so sorry if I don't update this enough.

(Y/n) = Your name
(Y/e/c) = Your eye colour
(Y/h/c) = Your hair colour

By the way, some of you might not enjoy this because you might find this story slightly sexual... Just warning ya

It's silent. Too silent. And dark. Way too dark. I can't even see if my eyes are open or closed. I can't feel if I'm lying down or standing.  But I clearly remember that I can't breathe. And that my hands were tied together. I was upside down. Surrounded by freezing water.

I felt my eyes open in shock. Everything was blurry, but I could make out the crowd of people in front of me behind the glass. Then it hit me. I need to get the key to unlock my hands and feet to get out.

My heart was pounding fast. Dangerously fast. But I kept control.

I looked up - or in this instance down - and spotted the key. Without any hesitation, I squashed my hands through and reached for the key.

Damn. They're trying to kill me. The key is too far...

I extent my arm more, trying to take the key. I feel my back arch, helping me to reach further down to the misfortune key.

I'm loosing breath. This is impossible.

The tip of my finger reaches the key, but it's not enough.

I yell to myself mentally. I'm definitely going to die.
Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I reached my chained hands to my head, and I dig into my (y/h/c) hair. I slide off a pin from my hair, that was meant to hold my hair in place from going into my face doing this process.

I took the sharp side of the pin and place it into the handcuffs lock.

There's no breath in my lungs, but I carry on - for the audience.

The lock slowly opens and falls down next to the key. I unwrap my arms panickingly. Then I reach for my feet.

I start to feel dizzy.

The view of the lock on my feet is fading out. Spinning then fading out. My hand heavily floats upwards to the lock. Try to place the pin in the lock. All I hear is the metal clinging against each other, but the lock is not opening.

My eyelids flutter shut slowly. There's nothing in my lungs. My heart beat is slowly down. But it pumps blood so hard, that I can even hear my own heart beat as if my own heart is placed right next to my ear.


My body is sinking down to the bottom. To the key. Although I no longer need it. I need a hand to pull me out. I can't swim. I can't move.

After seconds of time, the top of the box opens and I feel somebody dragging me quietly out.

I gasp at the sudden contact with air. My heart beats fast and my lungs are full of air once again.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" I hear a mumbling voice whisper to me as it took me out to bring me down.
I quickly nod while looking down and hugging myself.

"Good, now stand here..." the voice whispered comandingly while pushing me in front of the box full of water that I was trapped in moments ago.

The dark curtain quickly shut open, revealing me.

I fake a wide smile and wave at the cheering audience. "I'm alive!" I scream cheerfully at them and they stand up and clap to me while screaming and whistling and cheering.

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