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I was walking Sweeney Todd to my house. He was drunk. I was mostly mad at him.

I could just leave him here on the fucking ground and have a peaceful life.

I hissed a snakish sound in fustration and he just looked at me slightly taken back.

My dark eyes just darted at him annoyingly.

"What's that look on your face, Mr. Todd?" I gritted in his face.

His coal eyebrows just furthered together.

"Pet, why are you calling me Mr. Todd?" His was slightly demanding but also angry.

Fuck you.

"Isn't that who you are, Mr. Todd?" I narrowed my eyes and raised a brow. I knew I was pissing him off, so I wasn't surprised when he grabbed my neck and smashed me against the wall.

"I am. But I told you to never call me that." He said strictly and slightly pressing on my neck.

I wasn't scared. Not on that moment.

"Then what should I call you Mr. Bitch?" I hissed.

He gripped on my neck, "why are you acting like this?"

"Why are you acting like this?" I mocked him with sarcasm.

"Stop with the mocking and fucking answer me." He gritted towards me.

"Fuck you" I hissed still with fearless anger.

"You want to?" He smirked evily though anger was still evident on his ghost face.

"Why did you come here? To ruin my life again?" I spat.

"Yes I have!" He chuckled, "why else would I be here!? I came here to take back what's mine!" The sarcasm was clear.

"Mr. Todd, why are you drunk?"

"I'm not!"

"You are. And I'm waiting for an explanation." I said slightly calmer.

He just relaxed his hansome yet drunklish face and starred into my eyes.

"Because... I...." he froze then his eyes went black again, "... I hate seeing you in pain, but since you aren't ready yet, you will have some pain to feel."

Suddenly, his lips crashed into mine wildly.

I tried to push him away.... but.... I started feeling my muscles relax... and my eyelids feel heavy with each breath.

He broke the kiss.... then softly smiled and rubbed my cheek...

My breathing went slower... then.... I was uncontious.

Why? - I didn't know.

Sweeney's point of view.

"Look what you made me do..." I whispered as I looked into my pet's face.

She was finally uncontious, so I drew the syringe out of her arm.

I smirked. She's mine again.

I could see that some of the madness I gave her stayed. That was good. That was excellent.

I took a strand of her silky hair and looked at it...

I wonder...

I smirked to myself at the idea.

Untitled Love ~ •Sweeney Todd X Reader• (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now