In love

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He kissed pattionately. Wildly. Like an animal. I bit his lip. He smirked against my lips.

Suddenly he quickly broke the kiss,"Why'd you kiss me, pet?" He whispered with a smirk before crushing his lips back into mine.

That got me thinking... I didn't know the answer. I just felt so attached to him.

This once I broke the kiss,"if I knew... I wouldn't have kissed you..." I didn't kiss him again. I just remained starring into his brown eyes that looked at me. It was him. He was the one who looked differently at me when I entered the ball.

"You saw me when I entered the ball" I whispered more likely to myself.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Y-you.... Nevermind..." I sight while looking down.

He exhaled sharply and leaned in to kiss me once again. His lips made contact to mine but I didn't respond. I was over thinking.
He backed away and whispered with concern,"What's wrong, love?"

I looked down.

When I met him... How comes I never noticed that he knew that prince was my 'fiance' even though, I never told him that. He knows something, and he isn't telling me what it is.

He placed his soft hand on my chin and slowly lifted my head up."you can trust me, pet"

My eyes quickly darted up to his,  angrily. Unfortunately that anger didn't stay for long. His eyes as if hypnotized me. Made me forget my words. As if that's his purpose.

"If I kiss you again, will you shut up and forget what I said?" I said literally without thinking.
He chuckled while smirking at me.

"Maybe?" He said while placing his forehead against mine.

I smirked back,"maybe?"

He whispered seductively,"yes, maybe"

I grinned,"you are toxic - you know that-" his lips crushed into mine once again without warning. I closed my eyes and kissed back with no regret.

He smirked against my lips - he keeps winning this game of his.

He started pushing me back towards the wall. I didn't hesitate to follow his steps.
I crashed against the wall and just as we broke the kiss during the process, he moved down and sucked on my neck like a thirsty vampire. He bit my skin slightly. I groaned out loud to his pleasurable pain made on my neck.

He got my wrists and pinned them against the wall. I gasped. He started moving up to my jaw. I turned my head to the side.

Suddenly he stopped. He removed his hands from my wrists. I gasped for air. I thought that he was done until I felt him turn my face to his. I looked wide eyed into his brown orbs that starred at me like I was his prey. He slowly leaned in and rubbed his nose against mine. He looks like he's about to kiss me but he doesn't.

"So you seduce me and then tease me?" I said while grinning. He returned a wicked grin."teasing?" He whispered.

He moved his head in slowly and carefully. His soft lips pressed carefully on mine. He slowly opened his eyes as he straightened out his posture again.

"How scary would it sound if I told you...." He paused. His expression was sad,"if I told you that I love you?" He looked into my eyes seriously and sadly.

I froze.

Do I love this man? Could this man make me happy? Is he what I need? Is he what I want?

"I-" I started but...
"Mr. T, I'm back!" A voice echoed up the stairs.

Sweeney's face went pale - well... Paler.
He quickly backed away from me as if he never stood there.

Untitled Love ~ •Sweeney Todd X Reader• (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now