Mad fiance

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"I love you too" I purred into his ear.

He grinned and brushed my cheek downwards to my chin, then lifted it up.
"Say it again... I don't believe you" he almost whispered.
I grinned at him then seductively said, "Mr. Sweeney Todd. I love you" he looked at me almost satisfied. A smirk played on his lips.
"With all your heart?" He whispered.
I froze. I looked into his eyes.
"If not only my desire for vengeance towards you for killing the ones I loved too; yes. I love you with all my heart. My whole bleeding heart."

He narrowed his eyes and grinned. He leaned in. His lips almost touching mine.
"It's not me you should have your vengeance on... It's Judge Turpin" he whispered.
I licked my lips and rubbed his jawline with my thumb.
"May I know why?....... And who he might be?" I grinned.
He hummed of the answer yes while he leaned in more and kissed my bloodthirsty lips.
I kissed back while slightly bitting his lower lip. 
He went down to my own jaw towards my ear. I felt him pick up my body. My legs wrapped around his waist for support. My hands held on his strong neck as he continued to kiss my skin pattionately.
He walked towards the wall with me. My back crashed on the stone red walls...
He sucked on my earlobe.
"There was a barber and his wife..." He whispered in my ear through kisses.
I hummed as a sign for him to continue as he moved lower to my neck...
"... And she was beautiful... "
He sucked on my neck... Leaving love marks. I hummed once again.
"... A foolish barber and his wife..." He hissed as he moved to the other side of my neck.
"... She was his reason and his life..." I breathed heavily, intensively listening. Absorbing his words and hisses.
"And she was beautiful..."
My chest rose up and down heavily as he slowly started whispering again...
"... And she was virtuous" he whispered. His hands on my waist holding me tightly.
"And he was... " he stopped and looked up at me with loving eyes.
"Naive..." He muttered.
I smiled softly.
He removed one hand from my waist. His hand held a razor. He starred at it. It was covered in satisfying blood. "... There was another man who saw... That she was beautiful... " he muttered, not taking his eyes off that razor. "A pious vulture of the law" he spat, "who with the gesture of his claw-" he hissed through gritted teeth, "removed the barber from his plate! Then there was nothing but to wait!" He hissed with pure venom, he then looked at me, "till she would fall- so soft - so young -so lost - and -oh so beautiful!" His face turned sad.
"Pious vulture of the law?.... " I muttered sadly.
"Judge... Judge Turpin... " he whispered. "Put me on the false charge - and I was sent away from my family for 15 years... Until I broke out.... Broke out from hell... "
I felt pity for this man.
"You're lucky that you ain't me... We must kill him for what he did to me... If he didn't do what he did - I wouldn't have done that to you... " he whispered sadly.
"Where is he?... This Judge Turpin?" I whispered back.

He put me down and turned around while walking slightly away. "He's here... In London... Doesn't live far away... "
I grinned, "so why don't we just go there and kill him?"
He turned his head slightly towards me. His eyes glued to the floor and a frown on his face. "He must come here.... Here; where I can hide the evidence that we killed him... "
I was about to say Mr. T but I remembered that he might hurt me, if I do.
"S-Sweeney?" I called him as that instead.
He didn't say anything. In fact he didn't even move. But I just knew that he wanted me to continue.
"Where do the bodies go when you kill them?"

He turned fully around - facing me. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Do you really want to know?" He managed to whisper.

I nodded slightly confused. He looked down with a frown.

"Mrs. Lovett... " he got lost in his words... He looked up at me, "... You are what you eat... "
I looked confused at him. What does he mean?
"I don't understand... "
He sigh, "last clue.... " he shivered slightly. Almost unnoticibly. "... Mrs. Lovett's meat pies... "

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