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Sweeney held a bag.

He held a bag...

A thousand ideas panicked in my mind, despirately trying to find the correct answer to this situation.

"Alright, Mr. Todd, I can do that..." Anthony spoke up.

"Thank you..." Sweeney muttered back.

I came out of the shadows, ready to accuse Sweeney but to my realisation, a young scuffy boy ran down the stairs.
I stopped in my tracks and starred at the young lad.
He had deep dark brown hair that was poking in every direction, with maching brown eyes that were huge and sad.

"But Mr. Todd - what if Mrs. Lovett comes back? She'll be looking for me." The boy stated with a quite upset expression.
I saw Sweeney clench his jaw in irretation. 
"Boy - I told you that Mrs. Lovett has moved out to another country - and I have no use in you - so better decide," Sweeney hissed harshly, "you either go with them or I send you to the workhouse."

The boy's breathing fastened and his eyes scanned the room sadly, "but Ma'am would never do such thing before telling me first - something is wrong sir, I know it!"

I tried to think about this situation and how helpless Sweeney looked.

He can't just tell him that he killed Mrs. Lovett that he so-cares about...

"You're right, lad... something is wrong..." I said as everyone's eyes darted towards me. Sweeney's eyes were wide in a questioning look.
"... you see Mr. Todd is lying - Mrs. Lovett did not leave"

It looked like Sweeney's heart was about to jump out. Anthony looked at me suspiciously and questioningly. The boy looked at me surprised and with a raised brow.

"She..." I walked closer to their little group, "....was sent to Fogg's Asylum, because she went mad... Mr. Todd didn't want to break your poor heart by telling the truth... I'm sorry I had to"

The young lad's eyes went watery and he looked at Sweeney, "is it true sir?" He said with a breaking voice.

Sweeney's eyes were fixed to me. He didn't even glance at the boy, and he just nodded almost unoticibly.

A tear rolled down the poor lad's cheek and he continued to stare at Sweeney with sorrow and pain.

Poor lad. At least he doesn't know she died-

"-and yesterday we got the news that she died" Sweeney added.

....are you serious? Does he like seeing the boy in pain or something?!

I gave Sweeney a shocked expression - all Sweeney did was give me a slight smirk before turning to the boy with an expressionless look.

"Toby? are you going with them or staying at the workhouse?" Sweeney grunted.

The boy looked up at Sweeney but didn't reach his eyes, "I'll go with them"

Sweeney kissed his teeth and looked at me, "I was expecting the workhouse - but as long as you're not here - I'm fine with both." He said to the boy while looking at me.

The boy, Toby, looked down as he continued to cry misribly.

Sweeney threw the bag on the floor next to Toby and started walking towards me. A grin spread his lips as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the back room.

My eyes remained on Anthony who looked at Sweeney sadly and confused.

Before Sweeney closed the doors in front of my face, I saw Anthony picking up Toby's bag and starting to exit the shop with him. Then... I saw wood... or rather the wooden door in front of my face...

Untitled Love ~ •Sweeney Todd X Reader• (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now