My little Corpse Bride.

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I put on a dress that was comfortable to put off and on, so I could try on the dresses later on.

As I walked outside, Sweeney was sitting in the barber chair... thinking...

His legs were spread out and on his right leg rested his right arm, ontop of his arm rested his head. His brows were knotted and his bulging eyes burned through the dark wooden floorboards.

"Sweeney?" I broke the silence.

His eyes ever so slowly moved towards me.

His look was blank, as if he was still stuck in the mind of his.

"I don't like this dress.... take it off..." he muttered and looked away to the direction of the window.

He then slowly stood up and walked towards the window. He continued to stare out it.

"Is everything alright?" I asked concerned of his sudden change in mood.

"Didn't you hear me? Take off that dress... I don't like it..." he said calmly.... almost sadly....

"Alright..." I whispered.

I slowly turned around and went back to the room.
I picked a different dress...

I took my undergarments off and decided to just wear knickers and a bra instead of the full entire thing...

I put it on (the dress) and went outside of the room.

I still saw Sweeney in the same position he was. He was thinking.

His eyes suddenly moved to me and he rose his brows.

"No." Was all he managed to spit out.

I sighed and turned around again.

What is wrong with him?

When I opened the door I suddenly head him speak, "bring the dress in here first before you put it on."

I decided that the shops will close soon if this carries on, so I decided to pick out the one that I was sure Sweeney would love.

I walked back out smiling with the dress in my hands.

Sweeney looked at me. His eyes brightened up slightly.

He slowly walked towards me.

He touched the dresses fabric as he looked at it with examining eyes.

He looked back up at me.

He rose a brow and looked at the dress I was wearing currently... at least that's what I think...

He narrowed his eyes. He tilted his head to the side and looked right at my eyes.

"Are you...." he trailed off as if he despised his upcoming question.

"Are you...." he tried again, "wearing undergarments?"

My brows rose at his question.

My answer was killing me...

Because the answer is no...


Because of changing all of these dresses....


He closed his eyes.

"Shit..." he whispered.

My brows knotted in confusion, "pardon?"

He opened his eyes, "Look I'm very h-" he cut himself off and clenched his teeth. He closed his eyes again and sighed.

"W-what I meant was, shit. Shit, we are running out of time and you need to dress up." He opened his eyes and looked at me.

Untitled Love ~ •Sweeney Todd X Reader• (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now