Unpromised Rubies.

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"(Y/n)?" I heard a voice whisper in my ear.
"(Y/n), wake up.... something's wrong..." it was Sweeney's voice that whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to find any source of light, since the room was completely pitch black.

"(Y/n)!" Sweeney yelled in a whisper.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Something is wrong - Get up!" He hissed in a whisper again.

"What is wrong?-"

Suddenly I heard something crash downstairs.

My head quickly shot up and looked  around to find Sweeney's figure right next to me.

"What was that?" I whispered feeling slight panic.

"Do I know?" Sweeney whispered irritated.

"Where is she!?" A manly voice yelled downstairs.

I heard a woman's cry...

I crunched up to Sweeney.

"W-We must help them" I whispered.

"No." Sweeney replied sternly and a bit louder than his normal whisper.

"Comon! The grocer told us how he saw her with another man coming into this shop!" The voice continued to yell at the women.

"They'll give us in, we must get out of here..." Sweeney whispered in my ear.

I wanted to protest but thinking about it... he is right.
"A-alright.... but how?"

"We must get out through that small window and get down somehow." He whispered with no hesitation.

Reluctantly, I nodded.

I crawled my way to the small dark window as Sweeney was close behind.


A gunshot rang throughout the whole house.

My heart lost a beat when a deafening scream escaped a woman's mouth.

"ATTIC - THE ATTIC - CHECK THE ATTIC!!" Her scream was music to the man downstairs ears.

I felt how Sweeney quickly pushed me through the dust and cobwebs to that window.

He smashed the window open while footsteps could be heard running up the crooked stairs leading to the attic.

"GO!!" Sweeney yelled to me harshly.

I did as told and climbed through the window, as I got slightly cut by the shattered glass.

My feet touched the railing of the house and I managed to stand.

"SWEENEY HURRY!!" I yelled to him.

I heard the doors of the attic open with a thud.

Sweeney turned back at the two policeman rushing towards him...

Sweeney rushed through the shattered window panickingly.

He started to climb but his struggle became present when someone grabbed him and tried to push him back - away from the window.

He wasn't strong enough to fight the two men....

It was visible.

So... I climbed through the window...

Back inside.

"Let him go..." I said sternly.

The policeman stopped moving, but continued to hold Sweeney with all strength.

Untitled Love ~ •Sweeney Todd X Reader• (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now