Pious vulture of the law

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Sweeney rushly took his hand out gesturing for me to pass the razor that I held. With a trembling hand, I obeyed his orders. In a flash, he snatched the razor and turned around marching towards the stairs leading to the ground floor. "Follow me" he muttered under his breath.

Hesitantly, I once again obeyed his orders and followed him up the slippery stairs.

He swung the wooden door open, revealing the blindening sun as I squinted my eyes.
"Where are we going?" I asked him, while looking at him confused as he continued to walk away to what seemed to be a pie shop I've never been in before.

To my disappointment, he did not answer, instead he just continued to walk with me behind him following like a pet.

Suddenly he opened a door that led outside. He froze and instantly looked back at me.
"Come here, love" he almost seemed like growling. I carefully shuddered towards him. He instantly placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me dead in the eyes.
"Now (y/n).... Can I trust you?" He said calmly.
"Yes Mr. To- Sweeney" I said confused.
He eyed me suspiciously, "can you promise to not run away straight to the police - or god who knows where" he said with such seriousness that it even scared me.
I hesitated for a minute.

Should I lie? Or tell the truth?
Should I say yes - but knowing it's a lie?
Should I say yes - and know that I can trust myself to not lie to the person I.... I..... Love....

"Yes..." I whispered, unsure of which 'yes' it was. Did I say a lie... Or truth?

He narrowed his eyes and stayed like that for a second - as if trying to figure out the same as I was secretly. Did I say a lie or the truth?
"I'm putting all of my trust on you" he said calmly.
"... Only you" he added.
"I promise" I said while nodding rapidly.
I think I just saw a slight smirk on his lips, but then he grew serious again.
"Alright, love. I want you to walk down that street-" he turned his head to the side, facing a road, and then taking his hand out and pointed at it too "-until you meet a huge building in the name of old Bailey and wait for a man in the name of Judge Turpin. You can recognize him by his straight face and white hair. Got it so far?" He said while looking at me now.
I nodded slowly, "yes" I said bravely.
He grinned, "good. So,... I am your brother Sweeney Todd-" I looked at him weirdly, "-and you just came to pass Turpin because you are looking for 186 fleet street so you could come to visit me. So you ask him for directions, and when he tells you - you try and ask him to lead you here. You try to woo him too - NOT TO MUCH" he roared through gritted teeth, "-so that when he comes here he does as you say - and you do as I say.... Got that?"

I tried to take in as much information as I could.
"So... You are... My brother?" I say confused.
"Yes" he moaned.
"And I came for a visit... But I can't find your home..."
He just folded his arms.
"So I ask Turpin for directions..."
He nodded slightly.
"Then lead him here... And then rest is up to you?"
He nodded, "go on then" he gestured to the street he showed before.
I hesitantly, and not taking my eyes off Sweeney, walked towards that street.

I can just run to the police right here and now! Or the court! I can tell what Sweeney Todd did! I can tell that Sweeney Todd has murdered my family and friends - even his own fiance! Right now! No regrets!

My heart pounded so hard that I even thought that I will pass out here. In the middle of the street.

Old Bailey
Old Bailey
Old Bailey

It's a court. I can just go and give him in. Even to Judge Turpin himself if I have to.

I continue to stumble down the street - stuck in my own thoughts until I heard a heartbreaking voice sing.

Untitled Love ~ •Sweeney Todd X Reader• (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now