Get out.

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Sweeney and I were on-board of the ship that was making it's way to France.

As I was looking at the sun settling I felt arms hug me from behind.... as if the person's life depended on it.

"Sweeney - c-can't breathe-" I whispered.

He let go of me and shuddered, "Sorry..."

I turned around to face him slightly guilty for making him sad.

"Sweeney... could we not get married aboard?..." I asked shyly.

"Why?" He answered with a raised brow and a cold tone eventhough it was still soft...

I looked down, "well... I just feel like getting married in France would be better.... wouldn't it?" I looked up at him, curious of his reaction.
But his face was emotionless, starring at me with almost strict boredom.
"Fine." Was all he mumbled before turning around and walking away.

"Sweeney? Are you alright?" I asked him as I hurriedly rushed over to him... But his slender figure showed no reaction.

"Sweeney?-" I yelled once again but froze when he violently spun around and faced me as his blackish dark orbs looked at me with almost hate or annoyance.

He opened his mouth to spit something out at me but froze as his eyes darted behind me. His face flashed a ghostly pale and his features relaxed.

"Shit...." was all he managed to whisper.

Confused, I turned around to see on what he was on about and I realised darkness was luring every shadow and wall.... But between those dark walls there was something white.... something dangerous for our situation....

A poster.

A wanted poster.

It was a drawing of me that said my name.... it was the same one as the one from the dress shop - just this once there was someone else beside it too....


His features were exactly the same but.... the name was different....

It said 'Benjamin Barker' instead of 'Sweeney Todd'.

"We have to hide. Now." Sweeney muttered as he pulled my arm and headed towards the stairs that led to the bottom deck of the ship.

He pushed me inside some dark room and remained quiet.

"Please don't tell me that we will spend the rest of the journey like that...." I grunted.

He looked at me with a stern look.

"Oh - So you want to go outside and get caught," he said sarcastically and coldly, "go on." He moved out of the doorway and gestured to the door, "leave as you wish."

I frowned as I looked at him.
"Fine. I get what you mean."

He continued to stare at me as he gritted his teeth, "why the fuck are you still standing here? - go!"

I gave him a slightly shocked expression, "N-No I'm fine here."

Suddenly he grabbed my arm and started to pull me towards the door, "common - Go out there with all of your hate." He hissed.

I held on tightly to his arm, "Sweeney? Are you alright?"

He didn't look at me but continued to try and push me though the now open door.

"SWEENEY, STOP!!" I yelled.

Guys. I'm sorry to say this but this story is on hold.

Why? Well... idk... I feel like this story is slipping down in quality and I'm loosing Sweeney's character.

He's getting too soft and I think... I'm... Sort of moving fanbases...

Don't kill me...

It's not the first time this happened.

And it's happening again.

If I get inspiration or get back into the fandom, I will continue the story, but for now I'm really sorry.

I have the whole story planned but I just don't have the passion for ST anymore.

Same with my other fanfictions.

Untitled Love ~ •Sweeney Todd X Reader• (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now