The Meeting

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A/N Trunks is in for a surprise. I don't own DBS.

In West City, Trunks just finished his work at Capsule Corp, he was heading home for the day. When he arrived home he greeted his Mother, Father and sister. They were having dinner and the same routine asking everyone how their day went.

After dinner, Trunks was going to watch TV but the door bell rang, so he got up to open the door and was surprise when he saw Mai. Its been a long time since Trunks last saw her when they were kids but here she is all grown and beautiful.

"Hi Trunks"

"Mai?! Wow its been a very long time."

"Yes it has been"

"Please come in"

"I hope I'm not intruding"

She said walking into the living room while Trunks closed the door.

"Of course not. So what brings you here? Aren't you still traveling with that blue monkey and ninja dog?"

"Not anymore, we decided to go separate ways. Emperor Pilup still wanted to rule the world, and me well lets just say im not getting any younger"

They both sat on the couch on the living room and continued to talk well mostly Mai, Trunks was just listening.

"It looks like you want to get something off your chest"

"Actually there is.....another reason why i came here to West City is to see you and i want to know if we can continue from where we left off since we were kids."


"Look i know for a fact we are meant to be together, i mean come on i still remember my future self is with you. So i want to work it out with you Trunks. I left you without a reason and i am here now with the real reason."

Trunks remained silent he didn't know what to say, he just looked down to his laps but he felt Mai's eyes on him waiting for his response.

'How am i going to tell her, im already in a relationship with someone else who is on a world tour?' Trunks thought. Mai broke Trunks out of his thoughts.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but Trunks to be honest i have no one else. My parents abandoned me, my friends wants to live their own life and you're the only one. I never stopped thinking about you."

Mai said sadly which made Trunks feel guilty.

'Ugh, she is going to hate me for this' Trunks thought letting out a heavy sigh.

Trunks look up at Mai giving her a smile.

"Okay, Mai. We'll take another shot"

"Oh thank you thank you Trunks"

Mai said jumping on top of Trunks catching him by surprise and giving him a kiss on the cheek that caused him to blush. The moment was interrupted when the door bell rang.

"I have to go answer that"

Trunks said getting up from the couch which Mai released him to go. Trunks reached the door and opened it to revealed Yumi leaning on the door frame.

"Hey baby missed me?"

"Yumi?! Your back?!"

Trunks yelled surprised and then ran to the living room and told Mai,

"I'll be right back"

He then ran back to the door, right when Yumi was about to go in, he pushed her back out causing her to stumble a little backwards glaring at him once she straighten up.

"What was that for?!"

"Im just so happy you're here that i didn't want nobody to see you. Hahaha i wanted to keep you to myself for a while."

"Okay, so what's the real reason?"

"What, can't i keep my girlfriend with me, is it that selfish of me."

Trunks said trying to sound hurt crossing his arms, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. Yumi just raised one eyebrow at him and then rolled her eyes at him.

"Im sorry sweetheart, i didn't mean it honest"

Yumi said walking up to him wrapping her arms around his neck causing Trunks to smirk and open his eyes to see Yumi very close to his face and decided to close the distance. He was about to press his lips to hers when he heard someone open the door and was shock to see Mai

"Trunks are you out here?"

Trunks quickly pulled away from Yumi who almost fell forward and again once she regain her balanced she glared at Trunks but notice his attention was towards someone else.

Yumi turn to see who it was in front of the door and was surprise to see another female around her same age, black hair, black eyes and green dress jackets and brown boots. Yumi looked towards Trunks and he was looking at both of them, she crossed her arms glaring at him once more.

"I-i can explain"

Trunks said hesitantly looking at Yumi and Mai

"This gotta be good"

Yumi said tapping her feet impatiently.

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