You and Me

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A/N Songfic Everytime by Britney Spears Yumi makes a decision. I don't own DBZ/GT.

Vegeta had apologize to Yumi and Yumi accept. As well as being welcome back to their home but she rejected his offer because she didn't want to intrude in Trunk's happy life with Mai. Vegeta understood but he also wanted to keep the promise he is making to her mother. So he will be dropping in, wherever she goes.

Vegeta said his farewell for now, but he will return soon.

"Yeah about I'm not sure if you can travel at far distance"

"You doubt my strength?"

"No hahaha its just that. Im planning to head back to the world tour with Yuki. So, i can you know relax my mind"

"Of course, i understand. But i will be a expecting a call here and now"

"Of course"

They hugged each other good bye and flew off their separate ways.

*Next Day at Domino City*

Everything went by normal but during breakfast Trunks kept asking his father questions like 'did you find her?' or 'where is she?' but Vegeta remained silent.

After breakfast, Trunks decided to clear his head and watch some television but Bulla already beat him to it so he decided to just sit and watch. It turns out Bulla was watching TMZ. Yumi and Yuki were shown trying to cover their faces and go through the paparazzi fans.

This caught Trunks full attention asking Bulla to pick up the volume. It turns out they are in New York for a concert but instead they were doing a recognition for Yumi for losing her mom, every fan giving them their condolences.

The reporters were asking questions

"Yumi!! Yumi!! Over here!! Will you continue to be performing? How are you feeling? The public wants to know."

Yumi stopped and was about to answer but she shook her head and walked away from the camera. Trunks stood up, walked out and flew his way to New York.

/Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me?/

Trunks heard the information where she was staying and at which hotel. After a couple of hours, Trunks arrived.

/Everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you baby/

Trunks flew to the window and making sure no spots him. He saw Yumi in the bed, her face pressed against the pillow, crying her heart out. This made Trunks feel 10x worse.


Yumi stopped crying when she heard that voice, she turned to see Trunks standing in the middle of her hotel room

/I make believe
That you are here
It's the only way
I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy/

Yumi got up to sit on the bed, wiping away her tears.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend? Because apparently my life isnt good enough a-and my i have everything i always wanted"

Yumi said crying again. Trunks didn't know what to say.

/And everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby/

Trunks walked up to sit on the bed with Yumi. Yumi looked up to his eyes and notice he has been crying. Trunks wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into a hug. Yumi need a hug a comfort and Trunks was there, so she accepted the hug and hugged tighter.

/I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry


After a while they pulled back from the hug, and Trunks moved a strand of her hair and pushed it behind her ear.

"I'm so sorry. I was being stupid, foolish and lying to myself that Mai was better"

"How did you figure?"

"Bulla made me realized it and Mai was nothing but a gold digger"

/At night I pray
That soon your face
Will fade away/

"Yumi, would you please forgive me, give me another chance?"

Yumi looked at Trunks and saw a sincere face and Yumi smiled at him with tears in her eyes.


/And everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby/


Trunks was stunned at Yumi's response

"You heard me. You should have known better and you should have told me in the begining"

"B-but Yumi i came this way down here, to talk to you and apologize"

"That was your own dam fault. I never asked you to come and most importantly you said my life isn't tragic as Mai, hello I'm a demon there's always tragedy. Just leave."

Yumi said getting up to freshen up her face.

"Is that what you want?"

"I am not going to repeat my self"

Trunks knew it was his dam fault and now he has to live with that everyday. He flew out the window heading back to West City.

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