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A/N Trunks wants to talk to Yumi. Will she let him in again? I don't own DBS.

As the concert came to an end, Yumi and Trunks made their way to the backstage and into her changing room. Their was complete silence between them. Until, Yumi finally broke it.

"What the hell do you think you were trying to prove out there?"

"I just wanted to talk to you"

"By making a complete fool in my concert"

"I needed to get your attention somehow, because everytime when i called you ignore me.....what was i suppose to do"

"You should have taken that as a sign as in I want you out of my life"

"You don't mean that.......Yumi please, if i can turn back time would"

"But you can't and i don't ever want to see you again"

"Well that's too bad because I'm not leaving"

Yumi then had an idea and walked up to Trunks wrapping her arms around his neck looking into his eyes

"Do you love me Trunks?"

"Yes I do"

"Then if you really love me then you would do what I say, now leave"

"Anything but that"

Yumi glared and unwrapped her arms from around his neck. Trunks had to think of something fast.

"How about a coffee....okay just a coffee please that's all im asking. And if you say no, then im going to sing you another song until you say yes"

Trunks then coughed a little to clear his voice but then a blushing Yumi stopped him

"No that's not necessary but i get to pick when and where"

Trunks smiled

"Great, just don't forget to call me"

"Yeah sure"

* Three Months Later*

Trunks was in full panic mode its been three months and no call of Yumi not even a text. Trunks was trying to stay calm but everytime the phone would ring he would jump to be the first one to answer.

Until later the afternoon, Trunks heard a beep from his phone telling him he got a text. Trunks opened it and it was a text from Yumi.

Y: Meet me at California tomorrow night at the Observatory

T: Okay, tbh i was begining to think you forgot about me

Yumi didn't text back but Trunks was okay with that. Now he just needs to figure out what to say to her but that depends on what she says.

The next day, Trunks made it to California at the observatory. He saw Yumi standing looking at the city lights and so he flew down. Luckily Trunks had made a quick stop to my them some coffee getting the coffee he knew Yumi loves.

Trunks gave Yumi hers and began to sip. They stood in silence looking out to the city, Trunks tried to break the silence

"The city looks beautiful here"

But Yumi remained silent. So Trunks decided to stay quiet as well. After a good while, Yumi broke the silence.

"Why? Why did you leave me, when i needed you the most? You weren't there, you left me for that gold digger of yours and then Vegeta left me...."

Yumi was poor her heart out looking at Trunks with tears coming down, she was trying to hold in the sobs.

"Then when i actually felt i didn't belong. Yuki tried to hold me together but it wasn't good enough. It wasn't the same, I needed you"

"But im here now, I want to make things right with you."

Yumi continued to break down and Trunks just wanted to hug her tight until the smile comes back up, so he continued trying to say anything that can encourage Yumi that he meant what he says.

"It really hurt that i broke your heart and to finish it off i was one of the reason that i hurt you. I was blind Yumi. I cant take it back because a lot of damaged has been done but all i can tell you is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that i hurt you"

Yumi's sobs calmed down but the tears were still rolling down her cheeks. Trunks got down on both his knees and hugged Yumi's waist and laying his head on her lower stomach and continued to pour his heart out to her but instead he sang

I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart

I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know

I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right, believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong

Yumi stopped Trunks from continuing and he looked up to see Yumi blushing. Trunks stood up and Yumi gave him a hug

"I'll call you tomorrow"

Yumi said leaving Trunks alone with a smile on his face.

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